Sunday, May 8, 2011

Prayer of Repentance and Warfare Against the Sin and Spirit of Compromise

The Holy Spirit is also showing me the great importance of responding to His Word with intercession.  It is easy for us to respond with an amen, and the word is left on the surface of our hearts never penetrating to the ROOT of sin WITHIN our hearts, collectively as a Body and individually as a Disciple of Jesus Christ.  Through intercession the Word of the Lord will penetrate our heart, bringing about the true transformation needed for us to "prove" or do or accomplish or fulfill or manifest His perfect will.  (Romans 12:1-2)  I apply this truth first to myself and then to all who will unite in the clarion call to repentance, prayer and intercession for the condition of our hearts.

Romans 12:1-2 (King James Version)  "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."


Father God,
       Right now in the name of Jesus, we as Your people, the church and the Body of Christ, repent of every gray area in our lives.  Father God, teach us how to TRULY repent.  Give us repentive hearts, and repent through us, purging us of all sin and compromise, in Jesus' name.  We repent of every area of compromise evident in our thought processes, motivations, desires and passions of our hearts.  We repent, and we are asking You for forgiveness in Jesus' name.  Father cleanse our hearts and our minds with the blood of Jesus.  For it is only the blood of Jesus that can cleanse us and make us whole in Jesus mighty name.  Cleanse our hearts, making us white as snow.  Dig DEEP within us, and remove every ROOT of COMPROMISE from within us.  Speak to our hearts and REVEAL the specific areas in our lives where we are compromising Your TRUTH, Your WORD, and even the Your CALL to HOLINESS and SANCTIFICATION.  We repent of walking in the flesh, and not Your Spirit.  We repent of the LUST of the FLESH, the LUST of the EYES, and the PRIDE of life.  Purify our hearts, oh LORD.  Place us back on the Potter's wheel and remove all impurities from us.  Let the Light of Your TRUTH, PRESENCE, POWER, and GLORY shine through us as bright lights, with NO SHADOW OF TURNING from the TRUTH of Your WORD.
       Father God, set us apart for Your purpose and Glory!  Set us apart!  Help us to throw our ALL on the altar of sacrifice.  Help us to let go of everything that You require of us, even those things which are not evil, but will simply hinder us from walking in the FULLNESS of Your presence and Glory.

       Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus.  Holy Spirit, fight and war through us against the adversary of COMPROMISE in Jesus' name.  It is not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit, says the LORD of HOST.  In Jesus' name, we come against the spirit of pride, arrogance, lust and compromise.  We rebuke you, bind you and cast you out in the name of Jesus'!  We command you to loose your hold from off of our hearts, minds and lives in Jesus' name!  We call forth EXPOSURE to your every wicked strategy and devise in Jesus' name!  We bind the spirit of fear that feeds compromise in Jesus name.  We renounce the fear of man in Jesus' name.  We renounce selfishness, pride, arrogance, lust and the rebellion of compromise in Jesus' mighty name.  We reject you and we COMMAND you to LEAVE.  GET OUT of our lives, our households, our congregations, and our ministries in Jesus' name!  We speak death to the very ROOT of compromise in our lives in Jesus' name!  We speak life to the Spirit of submission, surrenderance, and obedience in Jesus' name.  Father, let these pure virtues rise up within us, Your Body, for Your honor and glory!
       Father God, You break the stronghold of compromise, and loose the chains in Jesus' name.  Open our eyes that we can SEE, and unstop our ears that we can truly HEAR what the Spirit is saying to the Church.  We promise to give You all the glory and all the praise!  For he whom the Son has set free is free in deed!  We boldly declare that we are FREE by the blood of the Lamb!  Yes, we are FREE to LIVE FREE of fear, compromise and rebellion.
In Jesus' name,

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