Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dream and Subsequent Conversation with God

Dream and Subsequent Conversation with God

The Dream
            I was in a church setting…  My mother and at least one other minister were on the platform, and I was standing just in front of the platform on the lower level floor.  I was ministering in a regular speaking tone, while turning in all directions to face both the people in the congregation and those on the platform.  I was speaking about the fact that the only thing that is important is that we know Christ, and all else is secondary. 
           Then I began to say, “The only important thing is this…”  I began to go to each and every individual in the congregation.  As I placed my hand on their shoulders one by one, I asked them two questions.  1.  Do you know Him?  2. Is He in you?  The first few people answered yes, and I began to assume that everyone would answer yes, and that maybe they didn’t get the message, because the point of the message is the one that God has been ministering to me… EVERYONE IN AMERICA THINKS THEY ARE SAVED, AND SO MANY ARE BEING DECEIVED.  I believe that the heart of my message was for us each to examine ourselves, and the importance of our individual, personal responsibility before God, concerning His work of Salvation in our lives. 
          Then I came to a group of woman that appeared to be from the Pilipino cultural, ethnic, and national background.  Surprisingly, when I asked them the same two questions their response was different.  This actually took me by surprise in the dream and I hesitated wondering how to respond and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit.  The first woman simply replied, “No.”  Another woman shied away from me, turning as if ashamed to face me, replying, “No.”  Another woman bowed her head and began to cry.  I believe there were about 3 or 4 “No” responses.  In fact, I vaguely remember one pulling away from me as if offended, and not wanting me to touch her.  Though I do not remember distinctly each response, there was definitely a variety of responses.  I began to speak and minister to them one on one, until I realized I needed to continue so that everyone had an opportunity to respond.  I felt compassionate, wanting to spiritually embrace the each woman who said, “No” in order to minister to them until they had an assurance of their Salvation.  I longed to encourage them that it was O.K. and that they could be saved.  One woman was crying as if broken over the realization that NO, she did not know Christ, and He was not in her. 
        I walked back in front of the podium in order to minister to those needing salvation.  I turned and began speaking to my Mother and the other minister(s) on the podium once again reiterating the message of how this is what is most important.  I noticed that my Mother was gazing off thinking about something else and not hearing what I was saying, but then knowing within myself that she often does this because at the same time things are going on, she is unaware, being in the Spirit realm herself hearing and seeing what God is speaking and showing her.  One would not understand this unless you knew my Mother spiritually, because she flows deep in the Spirit realm.  It was about this time that the dream broke, I awoke and the Holy Spirit began to minister to me.

Conversation with God

Ephesians 4:13 (Amplified Bible)"[That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him."

       Strangely, when I awoke God spoke and revealed some things to me that seemed unrelated to the dream, yet are extremely relevant to the message of Salvation…  I had finished a homework assignment the day before for a course related to Issues and Problems in Education.  The assignment was write a discussion about how “standards” in education determine “what” is taught and “how” it is taught.  To be honest, I struggled with the assignment, because it is hard for me to shift from the spiritual focus to a secular educational focus.  I lacked the motivation that day to even go there.  I just wanted to continue to praise, worship, pray, and write as the Holy Spirit leads me.  I could live in that realm 24/7 365 days a year!  Now I have started another class, and must divide my time.  At least, that is how I perceived it. 
     Well, God blew this thinking out of the water!  He revealed to me… JESUS CHRIST IS OUR STANDARD.  The aim of SALVATION is that CHRIST BE FORMED IN US.  The Holy Spirit began to minister to me how this BIBLICAL STANDARD relates to the SECULAR EDUCATIONAL STANDARD!  He showed me how although the BIBLICAL STANDARD is the same for ALL of us, how UNIQUE the Holy Spirit’s “teaching” process and our individualized “learning” process really is for each and every child of God.  Think about it!  There is not one single person since Adam and Eve in the garden, who have WALKED THE SAME WALK with the Lord or engaged in AN IDENTICAL SPIRITUAL CURRICULUM, although His BIBLICAL STANDARD for us all is the same!  This is what we call in education, “DIFFERENTIATED EDUCATION” to the extreme! 
       I was thinking, “Wow!  Now I wish He had given that revelation to me the day before, when I wrote and submitted my assignment!  Then He sent me on a walk where He continued to minister to me concerning my frustration of needing to engage in “secular work” when my desire is to just PURSUE HIM!  He ministered to me that we often departmentalize our lives, and this ought not to be.  We put our all into our family for a portion of time.  Then we put our all into our job for a portion of time.  Then we put our all into Him for a portion of time etc…  He told me this… PUT YOUR ALL INTO ME, AND THEN PUT ME INTO YOUR SCHOOL WORK AND ALL ELSE.  This was a revelation for me and I hope that those who read this get this!  It is AWESOME!  Oh how I thank Jesus for His tender loving care and His intimate involvement in EVERY area of my life.  I only pray that I and all those who desire HIM to be their ALL would learn to put this revelation into our DAILY practice… 24/7 365 days a year!
      By the way, I switched over from working on a school paper that is due today to write this testimony.  Well, I will just put my all into HIM and trust HIM to write the school paper through me too!

© Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, use only with permission

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