Saturday, June 6, 2015

What Shall Come of America?

What Shall Come of America?
There is to be an inauguration of My choosing.  There is to be an inauguration of My doing…  (A portion omitted, not yet released by Holy Spirit to share)… 
            America yet has a set time through which I will use her to establish My Kingdom throughout the nations.  There is yet a strong remnant within her who has not bowed their knee to Baal or to the prophets of Babylon.  For this reason, I declare, “Awake!  My people!  Awake and hear My voice!  Awake!  Come out of Babylon, and I shall remove Babylon from the midst of you, so that once again My presence shall reign through you in the midst of the nations.  All is not lost.  Many have counted the cost and surrendered their all.  Furthermore, there is a generation rising that will yet answer My call; and a generation of children shall lead you back to Me. 
They will be born for such a time as this, with eternity grafted upon their hearts and with My Kingdom engraved upon their hearts.  Leaders shall arise from within this generation and interpret the writing upon the wall.  They shall interpret the writing upon the hearts of My chosen generation and they shall awaken a nation, an entire generation to My Truth.  They shall be firmly grounded in the foundation and revelation of knowing Me in My True identity.  They shall trample and crush every false image of Me under their feet.   As a result, they shall stand firm in the revelation of their own identity as sons and daughters of the Most High God.  Finally, they shall fulfill their Kingdom assignment on Earth as it is in Heaven.  They shall mature through the prophetic art of their becoming precisely who I created, called and ordained them to be in Me.  They shall encounter Me through the Apostolic process of reconciliation and lead many into a real transforming encounter with Me.
They shall walk in victory as a shining light in the midst of a dark world that awaits the coming judgment of the Lord.  They will not be deceived by the Spirit of religion.  Rather, they shall know My Word by revelation of the spirit and they shall walk therein. 
Therefore, all is not lost America!  All is not lost!  Intercessors arise!  Arise and hear My voice calling you back to Me.  Arise with the Spirit of Daniel discerning the time of reconciliation and crying out in repentance for a nation drunk with the wine of its own rebellion and drunk with the wine of Babylon’s pride.  Through intercession you will guide the congregation of the Lord to her knees crying to be free at last from the bondage of Babylon.  And I will remove Babylon from the midst of you.  I will reign in the midst of you once again.  It is time to declare, “Free at last!  Free at last!  Thank God Almighty we are free at last!”

© 2015 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

The Necessity of Hearing God

The Necessity of Hearing God

Luke 10:38-42  (Complete Jewish Bible) - On their way Yeshua and his talmidim came to a village where a woman named Marta welcomed him into her home.  She had a sister called Miryam who also sat at the Lord’s feet and heard what he had to say.  But Marta was busy with all the work to be done; so, going up to him, she said, “Sir, don’t you care that my sister has been leaving me to do all the work by myself?”  However, the Lord answered her, “Marta, Marta, you are fretting and worrying about so many things!  But there is only one thing that is essential. Miryam has chosen the right thing, and it won’t be taken away from her.”

            We are the Body of Christ, and we must hear God.  We are the sheep of God’s pasture, and we must hear the voice of our Shepherd, Jesus Christ.  Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet represents her priority of hearing His teaching in order to follow and obey them.  It represents the wisdom of putting the horse before the cart, by hearing God in order to serve Him.    
The apostle Paul compares the collective disciples of Christ to His body.  If we are His body, we MUST hear Him!  Contrary to what we might think, the ear is not the only part of the body that hears.  Think about it.  How can the members of the natural body function without hearing the instructions of the brain, which is the head and director of the central nervous system?  Rather, every cell in the body receives communication from the brain in order to function.  Likewise, Jesus is the head of the spiritual Body and every cell represents every member of His body. Therefore, every cell must HEAR God’s voice in order to receive instructions of how to serve Him. 
God is saying that much of the Body of Christ is paralyzed, because of the numerous cells (souls) that are not hearing Him!  Many may ask, “How are we paralyzed when we are so BUSY (like Martha) serving God and doing the works of the Kingdom?  We are visiting the sick, supporting the orphans, and feeding the hungry.”  Yet, God is saying though many may APPEAR or LOOK active in the Kingdom, spiritually they are paralyzed and doing nothing, because they are busy doing their own thing, rather than moving according to the instructions of the Head, who is Jesus Christ!  In the eyes of the Godhead, such busyness is equivalent to paralysis.  Therefore, the Spirit of God is calling us to sit at our Good Shepherd’s feet and listen in order to HEAR Him!  He desires to INFUSE us with His instructions and power in order to fulfill His Word, Will, and Way in the Earth as it is in Heaven.  Therefore, the apostolic revelation and calling is a call to COME unto Christ in order to HEAR Him and to follow His instruction to GO only when, where, and how He instructs us to GO in His Name, as His representatives in the Earth. 
© 2015 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

Friday, June 5, 2015

Do You Know "I AM"?

Do You Know “I AM”?

When you say,
“Have Your Way in me.”
And when you pray,
“Not my way
Oh Lord, but Yours,”
 Do you really know what you’re praying for?
I AM the Door
 To life through death to self.
Through poverty of spirit,
I produce Heaven’s wealth
I AM the Way
 Of which you pray.
Yet, My Way is to obey
Every Word that Abba has to say.
My Way
Is for every disciple to lay
Down their life at the foot of the cross,
To count the cost
And consider all else but loss
For the excellency of knowing Me.
I AM the Truth written on the parchment of the scroll
I AM the Living Torah
Of which every Christian proclaims to know,
Yet, only a remnant seeks to follow
Rather than to wallow
In the dead waters, oh so shallow.
I AM the Life
Of which I proclaim in my
Wedding vows to my beloved wife.
I AM the voice of the One
And only Son
Who has won
The heart of a spotless Bride
Whose only desire is to abide
In me
So, when you say,
“Have Your way in me.”
And when you pray,
“Not my way
Oh Lord, but yours,”
Do you really know what you’re praying for?

© 2015, Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission