Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Hiding Place - Song of Worship

My Hiding Place

You are my Hiding Place
You are my Hiding Place
I gaze
Upon the countenance of Your face
You are my Hiding Place
I SEE the fullness of Your glory
I BE the fullness of Your praise
For You are my Hiding Place

You are my Hiding Place
You are my Hiding Place
You wrap Your arms around me
Your Love surrounds me
For You are my Hiding Place
You are my Hiding Place

I am Your Revealing Place
I am Your Revealing Place
You gaze
Upon the countenance of my face
For I am Your Revealing Place
You SEE a reflection of Your glory
Cause I BE the fullness of Your praise
For I am Your Revealing Place

I am Your Revealing Place
I am Your Revealing Place
Every other passion loses me
Cause Your Love infuses me
For I am Your Revealing Place
I am Your Revealing Place

© 2017 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

Thursday, November 9, 2017

An Open Letter to My Brother's Abusers

An Open Letter to My Brother’s Abusers

Guardians of Abba’s Child,

            Fiery red hair, bright blue eyes.  A ball of fire, pint size.  So much life and energy… Looking back, I now see anxiety.  He was placed in YOUR care, but you treated him anything but fair.  Let’s play truth or dare.  I dare you to ask Abba to give you HIS eyes.  I dare you to allow Him to expose the lies that led to my dearly beloved brother’s final demise.  You beat him black and blue.  For what?  He never knew.  You shamed and humiliated him.  For all he knew, you hated him.  Your abuse was distributed in the name of religion, leaving little room for decision.  Who would want to know the god you reflected?  He was left to feel ashamed and rejected.  Yet, he had an earnest desire for Truth.  He knew this Truth wasn’t evident in you.  So, he searched deep and wide, I believe even till the day he died.  I know you remember the way he served as my defender.  But he never could find his own mender.  The bruises and scars remained and to this day I have tear stains, thinking about Abba’s love for His fiery red-haired child.  He too was so much more than a social worker’s file.  If only, you could have walked one mile in his shoes.  I don’t believe he would have been so bruised.  Once again, I declare freedom from the past.  Cause nothing but Love shall last eternally, and my Abba heals every infirmity.  I pray that even you come to know the Love of God that overwhelms the vilest of hearts.  I pray He bestow to you the gift of repentance from guilt and shame, enabling you to sincerely call on Jesus’ name!  May forgiveness and healing be yours as you enter through reconciliation’s Door.  Please, remember the boy with fiery red hair and bright blue eyes.  That ball of fire, pint size was Abba’s child, so much more than a social worker’s file.  May you walk a mile in his shoes and know for you and him, Jesus Messiah was bruised.           

Abba’s Reconciled Child       

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All right reserved; Use only with permission

An Open Letter to My Abuser

An Open Letter to My Abuser

Guardian of Abba’s Child,

            I was vulnerable in my abandoned state, left to your guardianship by faith.  They knew not that this was a terrible mistake.  You clothed yourself in religion to cover your nakedness.  You masked yourself in false sacredness.  You lied to me about what daddy’s and daughters sometimes do, knowing that a father or mother I never really knew.  You insisted on rules and regulations and displayed a God with very little patience.  You set an eternal ladder before me, and caused me to envision a God who was never for me.  You forgot to tell me that I’m Abba’s child, so much more than a social worker’s file.  You’re mistaken if you thought I would never awaken to the truth.  I remember the true you, not the one you displayed for others to see.  I remember what you did to me.  Yet, there is no hatred or bitterness in my heart, cause my Abba gave me a completely new start.  My only concern is for any others you may have bated and violated since that time.  I pray for exposure and closure on their behalf.  I pray that they find their way to Salvation’s path.  Yes, I even pray for you, that you would repent and turn to the Truth.  You were called to be a guardian of Abba’s child, so much more than a social worker’s file.  I forgive you and declare God's desire to forgive, deliver and heal you too.

Abba’s Child       

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All right reserved; Use only with permission

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom

Resting in Abba's embrace
We gaze face to face
To Shabbat
Or not
Is not the question
But to Shalom is the lesson
And "Shabbat Shalom"
My confession
Oh, what a Blessin'
To rest in His arms
And make His heart
My home
"Shabbat Shalom!"

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Day of My Liberty

Day of My Liberty

This is the day of my liberty
For I hear the Spirit whispering
And my heart is just glistening
With the sweet everythings
He speaks and sings
To me
Yes, just to me
He lets me know Abba's will
He quickens me to be still
He knows I'm overwhelmed
So, He takes the helm
He places the pen in my hand
And enables me to understand
His branding on my own heart
"All things are NOT falling apart
Cause Abba knew even THIS
From the very start"
He interprets this Heavenly tongue
That even angels have never sung
"Enter My Holy bliss
For you shall NOT miss
The Way laid out for you
If only you knew
The tears that were wept
The height and depth
Of Abba's Love released
For your striving to cease"
It is then that I know
I really have no foe
Because Yah is with me
And He has come to SHIFT me
Into an uncharted course
He alone is my SOURCE
There's a blueprint on my heart
Branded from the start
When Yah breathed into me
And now He is winnowing
With another breath
The chaff has been SWEPT
Far, far away
Behold, it's a new day
This is the day of my liberty
For I hear the Spirit whispering
And my heart is just glistening
With the sweet everythings
He speaks and sings
To me
Yes, just to me.

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

I Won't Relent

I Won’t Relent

I won't relent
Till every crooked place
Is made straight
I will repent
Till I SEE His face
At the city gate.
I won't relent
Till every dark place
Is made light
I will repent
Till His mighty grace
Gives me perfect sight.
I won't relent
Till every dead place
Is resurrected to life
I will repent
Till every empty space
Is filled to the highest height.
I won't relent.
No, I won't relent.
For this purpose
I have been SENT.
I won't relent.
No, I won't relent.

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Beloved: A Letter from Yeshua, The Lover of Your Soul

          Have you been wounded by the one I sent to heal you? Know that I fully feel you! Have you bore the afflictions of the cross I called you to carry? Know that I too had to tarry. Yes, I bore them too just for you. Let not your wounds define you. Let not the scars remind you of the pain or unjust attack against your weakened frame. Rather, see the scars and know that YOU will never do the same. You will lift up those cowering in shame. You will relieve them of their pain. You will shower them with kindness, and BECOME a true shepherd... one of the finest. For, even THIS will not BREAK you. Rather, it will MAKE you. Every Word I spoke is true. If only you knew the depths of My presence with you. I heard your cry, "Oh Lord! Don't let me miss You!" If only you knew! How pleased I was to see your heart remain TRUE! You turned not to the left nor the right. You pleaded for Me to give you Light and supernatural sight. Why then did I shield you from SEEING? It was to shield you from BEING what I kept you from SEEING! Know now that I AM FREEING you and only desire for you to keep BEING YOU! I made you this way. I know the way that you take. And I am pleased with you for goodness sake! Lift up your eyes! Behold! I AM your PRIZE! I AM Yeshua, the Scribe of your Life... Behold I take YOU as my beloved wife! I AM the Living Word, and YOU are my letter! How could your life be any better? Behold! I break every fetter and rewrite your soul, so that you will KNOW that I AM your beloved and you are mine. So, I scribe this love letter as an eternal sign upon your heart. Behold! You are MARKED by My seal, and on THIS DAY you are HEALED.

~ Lover of Your Soul

                       © 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

The Spirit of Yah Is Wit' Me - Spoken Word

The Spirit of Yah Is Wit’ Me

The Spirit of Yah is wit' me
No devil in hell can git' me
Ya' can try, but ya can't sift me
Cause Yah done SHIFT me
He opened my eyes
Showed me yo' su'prize
Revealed yo' lies
AND yo' demize
The Spirit of Yah is wit' me
And He done LIFT me
Up and AWAY
To a NEW day
Go 'head find
another game to play
Go 'head mind
Another lie to say
The Spirit of Yah is wit' me
No devil in hell can git' me
I'm surrounded by His wings
And filled with new songs to sing
So, this melody I bring
The Spirit of Yah is wit' me
No devil in hell can git' me

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Surrender - Spoken Word


My Abba speaks to me
Ministers Peace to me
Love is released to me
I fall to my knees
My all is cast into the seas
He need not ask, "Please"
I know the way I must take
For Love's sake
I am fully AWAKE

The hand of my Abba
Causes me to walk on water
Cause I am His daughter
No inhibition
No personal volition
Just surrender to the mission
Every time I hear His voice
He silences the noise
And Y - E - S is my choice

My Abba opens my eyes
I finally realize
I'm surrounded by goodbyes
Goodbye to the lies
Goodbye to the lows and highs
Goodbye! For I shall rise
And take my rightful place
As I seek my Abba's face
I'm swallowed up in His embrace

My Abba never refuses me
He infuses me
And uses me
To express His heart
To tear deception apart
To declare a new start
No mere hoping
I'm eloping
With eyes wide OPEN

© 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

The Matrix - Spoken Word

I set my face to Jerusalem 3 Xs
Not my will, but Yours be done
I am a chosen one.

A what?
You're too much!

I set my face to Jerusalem 3Xs
Not my will, but Yours be done
I am a chosen one.

Livin' in 'da matrix
Lookin' to the sages
Down through the ages
For 'da key
To set me free
From the mazes
Of 'dis matrix
But the sages
Didn't have the paper
To pay my wages
So, I kept work in' it out in stages.

Then one day
I came across The Way
His name is Jesus
The Chief of all 'da sages
He opened my eyes to SEE
He alone was the key
To set me free
So, I sat at His feet
And He showed me
The matrix INSIDE of me
The battle of my mind
Was the worst of it's kind
A solution I couldn't find
Till Jesus
The Chief of the sages
Unraveled all the mazes
Only, He did it in stages
Called the apostolic process
And He said, "Watch this!"

Suddenly, I saw a vision
Of His mission
He was down on His knees
As He started to weep
Sweat like blood dropped from His face
The vision I saw could never be erased
He cried...

"I set my face to Jerusalem" 3 Xs
Not my will, but Yours be done
I AM The Chosen One."

Suddenly, the vision shifted
And I was lifted
To a hill called Calvary
Where the matrix started unraveling
I saw Jesus
The Chief of the sages
Nailed to a cross
Where He died for all those lost
In the matrix
The famous and the faceless
It was then
I saw the matrix inside of me
Nailed with Him on that tree

I dropped to my knees
And cried,
"It should have been I crucified!"
Then Jesus
The Chief of the sages
"When I died
And they pierced my side
You and the matrix died
With Me
On that tree
When I stretched my arms wide
It was for you to become my bride

Suddenly, the vision shifted
And I was lifted
To stand before an empty tomb
Where beautiful flowers were in bloom
I saw Jesus
The Chief of the sages
Resurrect to new Life
And He said, "I'm looking for my wife."
I dropped to my knees
And cried, "Choose me, please!"
He lifted me up
And placed a cup
In my hand
Called Surrender
And took away my badge called Pretender

You see, just as I died with Him
I now live in Him
Fully resurrected
Fully accepted
Set FREE from the matrix
By the Chief of the sages
Then He caused me
Little 'of me
To join the sages
Assigned to destroy the matrix
I asked, "How can this be done?"
He said, "Cause you're a chosen one
Called to the apostolic process
So, watch this!"

I saw footprints in the sand
Created by the Son of Man
He said," Follow My steps
That I left in the Earth
And display to the world your new birth.
I paid your wages
Now walk by faith through apostolic stages
Separation, Preparation
Revelation, Reformation
You're called to minister reconciliation
Throughout the nations
So, send I you
To keep Heaven into view
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Destroy every matrix leaven

You are a key
To others' victory
You are a key
To unlock apostolic destiny
You are a key
To destroy the matrix
You stand amongst the sages
So, come sing with me
This song of victory

I set my face to Jerusalem 3 Xs
Not my will but yours be done
I am a chosen one.

                           © 2017 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Friday, November 3, 2017

This Place - Spoken Word

This place
That inhabits time and space
Yet, eternally beholds Your face
This place
That You sent forth in Your name
To proclaim Your fame
This place 
A fully aligned triune being
That is finally seeing,
Freeing the internal capacity to know You
That I may show You
That I owe You
My all and all
So, I answer Your call 
And I fall
On my face 
That I may embrace
Your feet
And weep
Till I become Your footstool
A crushed jewel
Crushed by Your Love
Descended upon by the Dove
Of Your Spirit 
I can hardly bear it
I am reminded 
And blinded
By the revelation that You formed me
And have now transformed me
Into this place
That inhabits time and space
A place of habitation
A sign and wonder to the nations
I have BECOME the mission field
I have been SEALED
As to Your Spirit I yield
I am the Earth
Of incomprehensible worth
The footstool of Your choice
That is transformed by Your voice
Yet, I am Heaven
Cleansed from all leaven
My heart is Your throne
As I have become fully Your own
I am supernatural 
So much more than factual
I am Truth
Conceived by You
I am this place!
That inhabits time and space 
Yet, eternally beholds Your face
I am this place!
I am this place!

© 2017 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission