Saturday, September 20, 2014

E. A. T. AND LIVE: The Prophetic Art of Becoming

PRAYER Acrostics

Book Excerpt: The Call to Pray - Building an Effective Prayer Life

PRAYER Acrostics

Romans 12:12 - "Rejoice in your hope, be patient in your troubles, and continue steadfastly in prayer" (CJB).

Prayer of Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship

P raise, thanksgiving and worship
R eleased through
A doration of
Y ahweh’s
E ternal being and character
R aises Him to His rightful place and position of Lordship in and through our lives.

Prayer of Faith

P rohetically declard God’s
R ighteous Word, acts and ways
A lready revealed and established by
Y ahweh through His
E verlasting faithfulness, and
R est in the intimate knowledge of Him, knowing He is the same yesterday, today and
     forever, and that His Word stands forever.

Prayer of Deliverance

P etition God’s all sufficient grace and help through my persistent and persevering
R equest
A ccessing the anointing of
Y ahweh to destroy
E very yoke of bondage, set the captive free and
R estore His vision and will concerning every area of my life.

Prayer of Repentance

P onder God’s
R ighteous Laws and requirements
A llowing Holy Spirit complete access to assess and reveal every area of my life
     misaligned with
Y ahweh’s Word, Will and Way and
E nter in before His throne of grace to
R eceive mercy, forgiveness and cleansing from sin through confession, godly sorrow
     and surrenderance to the righteousness of God revealed through Yeshua’s (Jesus’) life,
     death and resurrection.

War Faring Prayer 

P ulling down strongholds, binding,
R ebuking and casting out the enemy of our souls, not by might nor by power but by the
A nointing and Spirit of
Y ahweh, who triumphed over the
E nemy (all principalities and powers of darkness) through the power of Messiah’s death
     on the cross and
R esurrection, setting the captive free from bondage, and thoroughly equipping him with
     the weapons of warfare necessary to live a victorious life in Yeshua the Messiah
     (Jesus Christ).

Intercessory Prayer 

P ressing past the shallow waters or fundamentals of prayer into the deep
R iver of intercession, where one
A ccesses the anointing of
Y ahweh to overcome every obstacle in order to
E nter the holy of holies (the innermost court of intimacy with God), manifesting the
    power and kingdom of Yeshua (Jesus) - the
R esurrected Messiah and greatest Intercessor of all, on earth as it is in heaven, through
    the Spirit of Yahweh within us.

Prayer of Silence, Solitude, and Rest 

P ractice silence and solitude, in order to
R est and receive
A ll of
Y ahweh’s
E ssence into your entire being (spirit, soul, and body)
R eleasing every contamination (source of death) from you and restoring his life flow
    within and through you.

© 2014 Vera E. Paul & Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission