Monday, October 10, 2016

What Shall Come of America? 31 Days of Sounding the Shofar of Wisdom - Proverbs 2

What Shall Come of America?
31 Days of Sounding the Shofar of Wisdom
Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2:10 - 11 & 16-17 - "For wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will be enjoyable for you, discretion will watch over you, and discernment will guard you . . .  They will save you from a woman who is a stranger, from a loose woman with smooth talk, who abandons the ruler she had in her youth and forgets the covenant of her God."

The second chapter of Proverbs reveals several benefits of wisdom, knowledge, discretion and discernment.  Specifically, Wisdom desires to enter our hearts in order to save us from “a loose woman with smooth talk”.  Scripture clearly warns us concerning increased deception in the last days.  “Smooth talk” is deceptive and is used to lure one into a trap.  Who is this loose woman?  Though it could certainly represent an individual who tempts another individual to walk in the way of unrighteousness, Holy Spirit is showing me how the book of Proverbs can also apply to the collective congregation of the Lord or Body of Messiah.  In this case, the “loose woman” certainly can apply to Babylon or the ways of the world, which are in direct contrast and opposition to the ways of YHVH. 
            The specific description that Holy Spirit enlightened to me today is that this woman “abandons the ruler she had in her youth and forgets the covenant of her God”.  This is exactly the aim of Babylon concerning YHVH’s set apart people.  In fact, we see this pattern repeatedly in Scripture.  One specific example was when the enemy ineffectively sought to lure Balaam into cursing the children of Israel.  This plan of the enemy was sabotaged when Balaam repeatedly blessed the children of Israel instead of cursing them!  This must have truly frustrated the enemy.  Yet, he did not quit or give up.  Rather, he found another way to defeat the children of Israel, by tempting them to break the covenant of YHVH through worship of other gods and idols.  By doing this, he knew that Israel would bring the curse of sin upon themselves!  It is no surprise that the enemy of God and His people continues to use this same strategy today.
            Clearly, YHVH has blessed the United States of America beyond measure.  Yet, bit by bit the ways of Babylon or the world have lured us away from God and led us into numerous offenses of breaking the covenant of YHVH.  In fact, it has become more and more difficult to discern a difference between the congregation of YHVH and the American culture.  We have become contaminated with the ways of Babylon (the worldly American culture).  In fact, many messages heard today in many churches have the ring and theme of pursuing the “American Dream” by stamping God’s Name and even Word to it.  The Gospel message has been transformed from a message of death to self into a message of God’s desire to bless us with all the riches and glitter of the world.  It is time for us to repent and return to the true covenant of YHVH.  Yes, He does desire to bless us to such a degree that a clear distinction will be made between His people and those who serve other gods.  Yet, as long as it remains a tremendous challenge to differentiate God’s people from the world, we must consider the possibility that we need to RETURN to the covenant of YHVH from which we have fallen.  Therefore, let us continue to pursue and sound the shofar of Wisdom until we experience a true Biblical revolution like the exodus in the days of Moses and the apostolic revolution in the days of Yeshua and the first generation of disciples in the book of Acts.  Truly, there was no difficulty recognizing the followers of YHVH in those days, and there ought not be any difficulty today either!  Our nation is depending upon us!  As disciples of Yeshua, we are their greatest hope through the fulfillment of our calling to demonstrate the Kingdom of YHVH on earth as it is in Heaven!         

© 2016 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission
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Sunday, October 9, 2016

What Shall Come of America?
31 Days of Sounding the Shofar of Wisdom
Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1:20-21 – “Wisdom calls aloud in the open air and raises her voice in the public places; she calls out at street corners and speaks out at entrances to city gates:" (Complete Jewish Bible, CJB)

          In the first chapter of Proverbs, Wisdom cries out loud in the "public places", such as "street corners" and "entrances to city gates".  Now for many including myself this concept of Wisdom (Yeshua or the Voice / Word / Shofar of YHVH) speaking aloud and sounding an alarm in public spheres of society has required or may still require a shift in thinking.
          Why?  Because it is so ingrained in the Western mindset that spiritual life is departmentalized from the rest of life and society.  For example, worship is most frequently expressed in a particular building disignated for that purpose and during a set apart time called a "service".  Meanwhile, the Voice of God is crying out in the streets, yet rarely heard or recognized by those too busy and distracted by "everyday life".  Yet, there is a remnant who has heard Wisdom's Shofar blast, calling them out from behind the four walls of the "church" building into every fabric of society in order to DEMONSTRATE the power and glory of God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.  In fact, this is the very PURPOSE of Wisdom's shofar blast... that people from all walks of life may hear His Voice and take heed to His call to walk in alignment with YHVH's Word, Will, and Way.
           Now is the time for us to listen and hear the sound of God's Heavenly shofar.  God has been sounding His shofar within our nation (the United States of America) for quite some time.  We are currently in the Days of Awe based on God's Biblical calendar, the first of which was Yom Teruah (Day of Blowing or Feast of Trumpets).  God commands us to sound the shofar on this day.  It is a prophetic act that foreshadows the final day when Heaven's shofar will be sounded and Yeshua will return and be coronated as King overall the Earth.  Yet, today is also the 1st of the final 31 days before the election of a new president within our nation.  It is not by accident that two of Yeshua's titles are "King of kings" and "Lord of lords". Truly, our God is sovereign over all.  He raises up and removes leaders according to His infinite Wisdom. Therefore, we look to Him now and always.
           Furthermore, God has called forth a people throughout the nations of the world unto Himself.  We are called to be HIS nation within the nations.  His Voice resounds in our city streets and gates.  We are His sheep, who KNOW His Voice and another voice we SHALL NOT follow.  Yet, many have fallen asleep in these last days.  We have become too distracted by the sounds and voices of the Earth to differentiate the Sound and Voice of Heaven resounding in our streets.  We have become too distracted by politics to FULLY ENGAGE in the Kingdom of Heaven to which we have been called to demonstrate in the Earth.
Likewise, we have become too distracted by religion to FULLY ENGAGE in COVENANTAL RELATIONSHIP with YHVH and one another through His Son, Yeshua the Messiah.  For this reason, Holy Spirit is leading us to enter into 31 days of LISTENING, HEARING, and HEEDING the sound of Wisdom's shofar leading to the upcoming presidential election on November 8th, 2016.  We must train our ears to hear, our eyes to see and our hearts to trust and fear God alone, regardless of what may be occurring in our streets and nation.  Remember, the sound of Wisdom's shofar TRUMPS every other sound or distraction.

           In fact, we have been called to BECOME and BE the shofar at YHVH's mouth!  He desires to blow through us that our nation may hear and repent from her rebellion against God Almighty, who has raised her up for such a time as this.  Proverbs 1 makes it clear that if we fail to HEAR and take HEED to Wisdom's call we "will bear the consequences of (our) own way."  This is already happening, and only our return to the fear of YHVH will cause us to be spared from God's complete and final wrath.  Therefore, this is a clarion call for us to UNITE and take HEED to the sound of Wisdom's Voice crying out in our streets and throughout every fabric of our nation and society.  Let us fear YHVH our God and look ONLY to Him for the Salvation and Deliverance of us as a people and of our beloved nation, the United States of America. 

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

What Shall Come of America - Part 3

What Shall Come of America?
Part 3
            While in prayer this morning, Holy Spirit suddenly alerted me to the fact that the upcoming November 8th presidential election is scheduled 31 days from today (October 8th).  This conversation occurred just after He released the following spoken word:
Prayin’ Times
It be prayin' times
Not just sayin' times
Some say prophets be cray cray
Cause they don't like what God has to say
So I drop to my knees and pray
Abba Father I need Your help
I can't do this by myself
Intercession is a callin’
To stand in the gap for those fallin’
They say I should jump on the Trump train
But he be talkin' insane
And I be callin' on Yeshua's name
They say Trump is the only other voice
And only other choice
Other than the continuation
Of the destruction of this nation
That's why it be prayin' times
Not just sayin' times
Click the channels on the TV
Is there nothing better for us to see?
Republican... Democrat...
They all be talkin' smack
But I say it's a fact
‘Dat Yeshua TRUMPS 'dat!
We need 'Da SAVIOR
Not another political flavor
There's an inauguration of Yah's choosing
An inauguration of Yah's doin’
So, let's not get caught up in 'da world's brewin’
No leader rises or falls
Without Yah's final call
Yet His heart was grieved
When Israel chose another king
We call Yeshua our KING
Yet get caught up in the political ring
At one another
Though we're supposed to be sisters and brothers
Hebrews 11
Talks about faith in the Kingdom of Heaven
Yet we're too full of earthly leaven
To E. A. T. and LIVE by faith
So let's repent and correct our mistake
It's prayin' times
Not just sayin' times.

            After the Holy Spirit released this spoken word, He alerted me to the fact that the upcoming presidential election is scheduled 31 days from today.  Then He proceeded to reveal to me the Biblical significance of this, namely that the book of Proverbs has 31 chapters through which Wisdom (Yeshua the Messiah) cries out in the streets to be heard by whoever is willing to listen to His Voice (The Word of YHVH). 
            Likewise, Wisdom is crying and calling out in our streets… the streets of this nation.  He is crying and calling out that we might be spared the destruction of those who refuse to listen and take heed.  It is imperative that the congregation of the Lord or Body of Messiah turn our eyes and focus completely upon our Savior in this time.  Just as the God of Israel became angry when His people trusted in other nations, horses and chariots to save them; so does He respond when we look any place other than Him as our source of help.  It is not just a cliché to say that these are praying times!  The shofar blast has been sounded time and time again in this nation.  It is time for us to take heed, and truly turn our hearts fully toward God in repentance.
            Holy Spirit not only turned my attention to the book of Proverbs this morning, but specifically to the 31st chapter that is so famously referred to in regards to “The Proverbs 31 Woman” Scripture.  We often speak of it in honor of godly women, such as on Mother’s Day.  I’m not saying this is wrong.  Yet, today Holy Spirit revealed this Scripture to me in a brand new way.  He showed me that the virtuous woman is a prophetic picture of Yeshua’s Bride that we as a people are being crafted into in preparation of being presented to our King and Bride groom.  Therefore, the Proverbs 31 virtual woman is not merely an individualistic goal to seek to attain.  Rather, it is a goal of virtue that the collective Body of Messiah ought to seek to attain in honor of our King and Bride Groom, Yeshua.
            Holy Spirit is calling us to COME OUT from Babylon and the ways of the world that we may be separated unto Yeshua the Messiah.  Yet, if we are caught up in the political mindset of the world, we become contaminated and miss the Kingdom mindset to which we have been called to carry and demonstrate.  Disciples of Yeshua, let us seek God throughout the next 31 days with our whole hearts… not only regarding the presidential election, but regarding the vision Yeshua gave us in the book of Revelation…  the day when we shall see that "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever!" May the Kingdom of our Lord permeate our nation in such a way that we see a Kingdom Revolution as never before seen throughout the history of mankind…  In Yeshua’s name.  Amen.

© 2016 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission
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