Sunday, September 23, 2012

Was It a Dream?

Completed Sunday Sept. 23, 2012 2:08 A.M. upon awaking from a dream...

And submitted to Ariana's prayer page where several left curses and slurs toward God and others left behind to grieve... I tell you this is the Word of the Lord, because I knew NOT how to respond! Glory be to God Who is Wisdom for the foolish and Light for the darkness...

Was it a dream...
Or a continuance of my mind's wrestling
With the facebook comments left
Regarding Ariana's life... death...
And anger spilled out...
Disagreements of those left behind
To wrestle with the pain... the loss...
Whether to hold onto memories
Or contemplate religion... prayer...
Who really cared..
Who really knew her...
Who really shared...
In her life... death... memory
At all?
She took the fall
Who was to blame?
Who will remain the same?
The guilt and the shame
The deaf, blind and lame
Could prayer, faith, hope and love
Remain in the shadow
Of such tragedy...
A daughter's death
Trailing behind the death
Of her father
Leaving behind a grieving widow and mother
Could the face of a Loving God
A Heavenly Father
Be found in such mess
In the midst of such stress?
And Salvation much less?
Oh see how we regress...
As a Loving Savior
Stands at our hearts' door
His Eternal Arms
Rocking us,
He cries, "AWAKE!"
Your life is not a mistake!
Your soul I desire to take and remake
Out of the darkness of obscurity
Into the light of My purity.
Hear my cry
For your soul
That you may know...
Forgiveness awaits you
Religion is false
But I AM True
If you are willing,
I will make you
brand new...

Our Father which art in Heaven,
Hollowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day
Our daily Bread
Forgive us our tresspasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Lead us NOT into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom,
The power and the glory

This is not just a religious pun...
This is the prayer of The Son!
If only we believe and receive HIM,
He will truly wash away all of our sin!
So that even in death
We will win,
Because we'll be found IN HIM!

Respectfully and Lovingly submitted by C. Love
Aunt and Sister of those who have passed on into Eternity

God Still Speaks

God Still Speaks

Did you know God still speaks?
He speaks through a song
Or through a dream,
Letting us know something’s wrong.
Through a rainbow
His promises glow.
He speaks in a whisper
Or a shout on the mountain top
His sound never stops
He speaks through a new birth
Or death of a loved one
Letting us know, our life is not done
He imprints His dreams
Upon our hearts
Letting us know through Christ
God and us are never apart.
Yes, God still speaks
Giving strength to the weak
And lifting the heads of the meek.
Filling empty cisterns that leak
And cleansing our hearts’ sinful streak.
Yes, God still speaks.
As He gathers the wheat,
The Shepherd and sheep meet.
Those wandering in the street
Even hear Him preach.
No matter how broken
Or how much has been stolen
From our hearts’

We can have a new start
And there’s the song of the lark,
Cause God still speaks.
© 2012 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Publishing in the Eyes of God (Part 2)

Publishing in the Eyes of God Part 2

“The Publishers Clearing House”

            God spoke to me saying, “The secret of publishing is revealed in Hebrews 11.”  So, let’s dig into the secret things by the Holy Spirit…  Hebrews 11 is traditionally known as the “faith chapter.” Yet, God is saying that it is THE “Publisher’s Clearing House.” Unlike the gamble and scheme of the natural publisher's clearing house, God’s richest blessings are accessed by faith! It is not a gamble, but an investment of a fully surrendered life. God is THE PUBLISHER who chooses to publish His Word, will and way through the living epistles of every day men and women of faith. Hebrews 11 is THE “Publisher’s Clearing House”, because truly God (THE Publisher) is CLEARING His HOUSE through the TESTIMONY of a great cloud of witnesses, whose lives STILL SPEAK to us today.

Hebrews 11 (Amplified)
Vs. 1 - Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
            A title deed is “a record; the evidences or writings whereby a man is enabled to defend the title to his estate; title deeds and papers” (Webster). Therefore, faith is the legal written evidence (It is written) of the spiritual things yet to come. We are living epistles of faith through which God continues to publish Truth.
Vs. 2 - For by [faith— trust and holy fervor born of faith] the men of old had divine testimony borne to them and obtained a good report.
            This testimony and good report was not of mere men, but the very testimony of God who published the lives of these men! Let us not seek the testimony of man on our behalf, but let us HEAR the very testimony of God concerning us. He desires to PUBLISH us as His Living Epistles of Faith, Hope, and Love that He may PROCLAIM who He is through us! What an honor and a privilege to be PUBLISHED by THE Publisher of all Truth.
Vs. 3 - By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.
            All of creation was PUBLISHED by God’s Word for HIS Purpose. It was PUBLISHED (created) by the Spirit. The physical was BORN out of the spiritual. Likewise, those who are PUBLISHED and BORN of the Spirit, take on the very nature of the Spirit of God.
Vs. 4 - [Prompted, actuated] by faith Abel brought God a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, because of which it was testified of him that he was righteous [that he was upright and in right standing with God], and God bore witness by accepting and acknowledging his gifts. And though he died, yet [through the incident] he is still speaking.
            Abel was PROMPTED by God to WORSHIP, and He obeyed bringing a sacrifice that was ACCEPTED by God, because it was PUBLISHED by God’s command. Abel WORSHIPPED according to God’s Divine Governmental Order. Though he was MARTYRED, his BLOOD (life) still SPEAKS having been PUBLISHED by God. He is a part of THE Publisher’s Clearing House. For God is CLEARING His HOUSE of all FALSE WORSHIP, which is born of RELIGION… published by flesh and breathed by ANOTHER familiar spirit, but NOT the Spirit of God!
Vs. 5 - Because of faith Enoch was caught up and transferred to heaven, so that he did not have a glimpse of death; and he was not found, because God had translated him. For even before he was taken to heaven, he received testimony [still on record] that he had pleased and been satisfactory to God.
            Enoch WALKED with God.  God PUBLISHED a testimony of INTIMACY through His Living Epistle, Enoch. God “translated” Him into His Heavenly language.  God gave testimony concerning Him, because He was PLEASED with His intimate WALK.  Enoch is a part of THE Publisher's Clearing House, because God is CLEARING His HOUSE of all false testimonies that proclaim a MESSAGE, born of hypocrisy… but lack the Faith (evidence of things hoped for) WALK with THE Publisher of that MESSAGE.
Vs. 6 - But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].

            Without Faith (the EVIDENCE of THE Publisher’s BREATH), it is impossible to please Him! THE Publisher is CLEARING His HOUSE of ALL words without the EVIDENCE of His BREATH. For ONLY God’s Word is God-breathed. And ONLY God’s Word will escape the wrath of THE Publisher’s Clearing House!
Vs. 7 - [Prompted] by faith Noah, being forewarned by God concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign, took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family. By this [his faith which relied on God] he passed judgment and sentence on the world’s unbelief and became an heir and possessor of righteousness (that relation of being right into which God puts the person who has faith).
            Noah was PROMPTED by God to WORK, and He OBEYED, building an ark of DELIVERANCE for His FAMILY (legacy). He wore the mark of the FEAR of the LORD upon His heart. Therefore, God PUBLISHED His WORK, which became a JUDGMENT against an entire generation who rejected God’s warning and chosen PUBLISHED WORK. Noah is a part of THE Publisher's Clearing House, because God is CLEARING His HOUSE of every WORK of the flesh, not born of Faith (the Fear of the Lord) EVIDENCED through obedience to THE Publisher’s command.
Hebrews 12:1 - Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,
            We are SURROUNDED by God’s Published Word… His Testimony of Truth! Therefore, we must STRIP OURSELVES of EVERYTHING that is not God-breathed… Published by God! God is CLEARING His HOUSE! He is separating those PUBLISHED by His breath and command from those published by another voice… the voice of a stranger… Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. Choose ye this day the publishing house to which you belong, because THE Publisher is CLEARING His HOUSE.
            God is showing me something more... In Noah's day, there was not even the Torah -the Written Word of God!  Therefore, Noah was THE ONLY published Word of God given to his generation. So, when the people rejected the PUBLISHED Word of the Lord, an entire generation was condemned to death!  It was as drastic as rejecting Jesus Christ Himself - The Living Word of God!  We speak of Old Testament types of Christ. Noah, being one of these, PROPHESIED (through his WORK of obedience in building an ark exactly according to God's specifications and measurements (scribal - as a form of COUNTING)) concerning the Coming Redemptive WORK of Jesus Christ... I am still digesting... Praise be to God!  And I'm still examining myself -What am I PUBLISHING?  This word came with much conviction keeping me up most of the night till early morning...
            Oh, God is still speaking... Can a book publish itself?  No.  It can only publish (proclaim) what it's author has IMPRINTED upon its pages.  Whether we realize it or not, we are ALL published works...  So, the real question is...  WHO is publishing our lives?  For that individual is both our AUTHOR and GOD (LORD)...  The second question is like the first...  In whose publishing house do we DWELL and BELONG?  For THE Publisher is Clearing His House...
Respectfully Submitted,

By one who's heart has been seared by the conviction that THE Publisher is Clearing His House

© 2012 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

Publishing in the Eyes of God (Part 1)

Publishing in the Eyes of God (Part 1)

            In the beginning God SPOKE and OUT OF THE SPIRIT REALM the physical realm was born.  What was SPOKEN and what was creatively born came out from the very HEART, MIND, and SPIRIT of God!  God DESIRED and it WAS SO.  God THOUGHT and it WAS SO.  God MOVED and it WAS SO.  God SPOKE and it WAS SO.  And He saw that it WAS GOOD... VERY GOOD.

            Therefore, what was PUBLISHED was an EXPRESSION and EXTENSION of GOD HIMSELF.  So, what's the point?  This causes a very important question to ring within the depths of my heart... What am I publishing?  What do my motives, thoughts, words, movements, deeds, my very BREATH... my very LIFE... publish?  The very things that I push aside justifying to myself, "That really doesn't matter"... what are those things PUBLISHING?  The message of publishing is this: EVERYTHING MATTERS!  And since EVERYTHING MATTERS, where do I stand before a RIGHTEOUS and HOLY GOD?  SILENT... AND WITHOUT EXCUSE. Every thought, motive, attitude, word, action, even INaction SPEAKS a MESSAGE that rings throughout ETERNITY.  So, what does my life SPEAK?  What am I publishing?  Does my life RING forth TRUTH, LIFE, FAITH, HOPE and LOVE along with the Great Cloud of Witnesses of Hebrews 11?  Have I, Christine Lombard truly laid aside EVERY weight and the sin that doth so easily beset me?  Have I resisted even unto BLOOD, knowing that my BLOOD SHALL SPEAK whether the words of life or the words of death?

            The answer to this question depends upon the SOURCE of the WORD or MESSAGE being published through EVERY aspect of my life... It is either God-breathed or NOT!  No in between!  Light or Dark... Righteousness or UNrighteousness... Truth or Lie... Pure or Contaminated... Holy or Unholy...

            Although spiritual warfare against the power of darkness is very Biblical and real, let's push the devil to the side for a minute... The Word of God states that MY HEART is deceitfully wicked!  So, please God, don't let any word be published from this CONTAMINATED source! It MUST come from the HEART, MIND and SPIRIT of God or it is NO GOOD!  That which flows from MY HEART (desires) are bitter waters that will KILL.  But that which flows from the heart of God are LIFE, TRUTH, and ALL THAT IS GOOD, PURE and HOLY!  Bitter and sweet cannot flow from the same source. If poison is mixed with living water, what is left, but poison?

            This Truth ushers in a Spirit of self-examination, conviction and REPENTANCE! Abba Father, I REPENT for every VAIN thought, word, deed and motive. I REPENT for every breath published from a wicked and deceitful heart... my heart. I REPENT for MISREPRESENTATION.  I repent for taking the call to be an AMBASSADOR for granted by pushing things aside as though they don't really matter!  I REPENT, because EVERYTHING MATTERS IN THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT!  I REPENT for every selfish word, motive, desire and deed.  Even a "GOOD" deed that flows from my fleshly heart is wicked and evil in Your sight!  I am without excuse.  I am found guilty even of the shedding of Your blood on the cross of Calvary, because YOUR BLOOD STILL SPEAKS. To those who REJECT it SPEAKS JUDGMENT and CONDEMNATION, and to those who WILLING RECEIVE it SPEAKS LIFE and FORGIVENESS.  Though You came NOT to condemn the world, but to SAVE...  Your martyrdom is JUDGMENT for those who REFUSE so great a Salvation! Oh Lord God!  I throw myself at the foot of the cross that Your BLOOD may fall upon me... Even as Peter cried, wash not only my feet, but WASH ME ENTIRELY! Give me a NEW HEART...  YOUR HEART... that my life flow... my life blood may flow from the HEART of Abba...  That the MIND of Christ may dwell WHOLLY in me... That the SPIRIT of God may POSSESS me FULLY!  Hear my cry to be made NEW!  Hear my cry to be a TRUE Witness... a TRUE Word... a TRUE Publication of YOU!  In Jesus name.  Amen.
© 2012 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Making of a Scribe

The Making of a Scribe
July 14, 2012

Now is the time
For the making of a scribe
Now is the time
For the raising up of a Holy tribe
Now is the time
So, open your heart up wide
And let the Word of God abide inside

Abide in Christ
And let the words of Christ
Abide in you
Cause now is the time
For every nation
And generation
To tune their ears and hear
Heaven’s Holy station
Ya, now is the time
To sit with Christ and dine
Ya, now is the time
To drink up Heaven’s Holy wine
Ya, now is the time
To be God’s Holy sign
In the Earth
Giving birth
To your scribal worth
So, let your voice be heard
Publish God’s Word
Here, there and everywhere
Cause It’s time to share
And be aware . . .

That now is the time
For the making of a scribe
Now is the time
For the raising up of a Holy tribe
Now is the time
So, open your heart up wide
And let the Word of God abide inside

© 2012 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission