Saturday, August 18, 2018

Impacting the Scribal Realm of Education

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Education belongs to the scribe!  Therefore, every scribe is in a position to make a GODLY IMPACT through the scribal realm of education.  But we must first take the limits off of our understanding of 1. Impact; 2. Scribal realm; and 3. Education. 

Impact – To make an impact simply means to influence in a way that increases the manifestation of the Kingdom culture of Heaven and the character of Christ according to His original intention in the Earth.  According to The Scribal Anointing ® curriculum authored by Apostle Theresa Harvard Johnson, the primary purposes of every Christ centered scribe is to protect the Word of God and to teach the word of God.  Obviously, the implications of this understanding include the truth that scribes have a central role in impacting or influencing education both within the congregation and throughout society.

Scribal Realm – The sphere or domain of scribal activity, whether administrative, instructional or creative as discussed in The Scribal Anointing ® curriculum authored by Apostle Theresa Harvard Johnson. 

Education – The process of each person’s becoming the fullness of the authentic image of Christ and person God created, called, ordained and sent them into the Earth to be according to God’s DNA within them.   

As we take the limits off our traditional understanding of what it means to impact the scribal realm of education, I hope that we see that one does not necessarily need to be immersed in a formal academic educational setting to impact education.  Why?  Because education is SO MUCH MORE than what takes place within classrooms and schools.  Ultimately, the apostle Paul was crying out for the EDUCATION of the believers in Galatia when he wrote the following excerpt in his letter to them.   

Galatians 4:19 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“My little children, for whom I am again in [the pains of] labor until Christ is [completely and permanently] formed within you.”

Therefore, according to Christ’s and Paul’s shared vision with Christ, education is the PROCESS of spiritual maturity through which we become SONS and HEIRS of the Kingdom through the revealing of Christ in and through a people on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Yet, at the same time, those who ARE CALLED to SERVE as EDUCATORS within academic settings have a very unique role and opportunity for impacting the scribal realm of education.  We will definitely address this and its implications for formal academic educators. 

Therefore, I want to encourage my fellow educators to maximize their impact on education through their scribal assignments, as well… while making sure that those of you who are NOT called to such do NOT feel as though this clarion call to impact the scribal realm of education does not apply to you, because it very well can still GREATLY apply to you.  Let me share just a few examples with the understanding that many of these examples can easily cross over between the formal academic educational setting and the informal nonacademic educational setting.  Likewise, many of these examples can easily cross over between administrative, instructional and creative aspects of scribal activity and ministry (service).

·       Administrative: Developing curriculum resources for adults or youth; Developing and directing educational programs for adults or youth implemented in community centers, churches, libraries or other venues outside of the traditional school building; Leading mentorship programs in or outside of the traditional school setting; Provision of services for the homeless or those seeking employment; Administration of Prison ministry; Ministry schools; Conferences and workshops; Bible study or various home groups; Financial administration and management within various educational settings; Establishing homes for displaced children and youth; schools and educational based events and ongoing programs… 

·       Instructional: Developing curriculum resources for adults or youth; Authoring children’s books or for all ages; Authoring and publishing of blogs, magazines, newsletters etc.; Formal and informal teaching in any setting; Discipleship and Mentorship of any kind and on any level; Organizing of any fellowships or groups centered around any particular interest; Various ministries within the local church, missions or services provided within the community…

·       Creative:  Any activity related to the arts or creative expression in any environment; Spoken word; Dance; Music; Drama; Martial Arts; Arts and Craft; Creative lesson planning and curriculum resource development; Development and implementation of innovative strategies and solutions within various educational settings…   

Once again, education belongs to the scribe!  Therefore, every scribe is in a position to make a GODLY IMPACT through the scribal realm of education.  In other words, every administrative, instructional and creative scribal gift that the Lord has imparted into us can be used to IMPACT the development, maturity and education of others to the end that they BECOME the fullness of who God created, called and ordained them to be in Christ.  As a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will be manifested on Earth as it is in Heaven.

© Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

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