Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bound to Break Free!

Bound to Break Free

            Yesterday morning Holy Spirit ministered a powerfully encouraging word in my spirit.  He revealed to me that God’s people are bound to break free.  At first this statement sounds like an oxymoron, because bondage or the state of being bound is the opposite of freedom or the state of being free.  Yet, Holy Spirit is ministering to me that God’s covenant people have an incomprehensible hope beyond human understanding, because God even has a PURPOSE for our bondage.  The first example Holy Spirit ministered to me was the nation of Israel’s bondage in Egypt.  God directed Jacob to lead his descendants down into Egypt where his son Joseph would provide the natural food necessary for their survival through the terrible famine that He had previously revealed would occur through the interpretation of pharaoh’s dream.  Then in the next breath God revealed to Jacob that many years later his descendants would multiply into a great people and be held in the bondage of slavery in Egypt.  Not only did God allow His people Israel to experience this terrible injustice and bondage, but He revealed that it would occur.  Now what loving father would foresee such a travesty and yet purposefully allow their child to endure it?  Yet, God had a PURPOSE in Israel’s bondage as slaves in Egypt!  In fact, Holy Spirit has revealed to me that Israel was BOUND in order to break free!  The very purpose of their bondage was their eventual freedom.
            Furthermore, Holy Spirit is ministering to me several other prophetic pictures of this truth.  For example, unless a child is bound within their mother’s womb, they would never break free.  Likewise, unless a caterpillar is bound within a cocoon, they would never break free.  Finally, this truth is manifested in each of our lives.  Holy Spirit wants us to hold onto the hope of knowing and understanding that our loving Father has a PURPOSE for our bondage, and this purpose is our FREEDOM.  We have been bound to break free! 
            Holy Spirit is revealing that the most dangerous form of bondage is a bondage that fails to be realized, recognized, or felt by those in bondage.  For if one fails to recognize the bondage within which they are bound, they will fail to possess a felt need to BREAK FREE from it.  Therefore, the discomfort and pain of our bondage is a GIFT from God.  It is the very thorn in our flesh that will spur us on to finally BREAK FREE!  Truly, we are BOUND to BREAK FREE!     
In conclusion, Holy Spirit is asking and answering an important question at the same time through the acrostic below.  What is the purpose of being bound?  It is to bring forth one’s own understanding of their need for deliverance!

B ring forth
O ne’s own
U nderstanding of their
N eed for
D eliverance

Therefore, we are BOUND to BREAK FREE!

© 2015 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission

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