Tuesday, April 9, 2013

E. A. T. and Live: The Prophetic Art of Becoming - Book Excerpt

  Building a Firm Foundation

       The Spirit of God once anointed and rested upon God’s chosen scribes and prophets, inspiring the written Word of God, the Holy Scriptures.  God chose one man, Abraham, who gave birth to one chosen nation, Israel, and a chosen tribe, Judah, through which Jesus Christ was born.  After Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the day of Pentecost arrived, and Holy Spirit baptized and filled the unified believers, causing them to speak with other tongues, which brought clarity to those who heard them speaking the Truths of God in their native languages. At that point, Holy Spirit was poured out upon all flesh, giving birth to the church or the body of Christ, a chosen people from all nations, tribes, races, and people groups.
      Today, all races, nations, and socio-economic classes and groups are not only called to become spiritual Israelites, but also priests, kings, scribes, and prophets speaking, teaching, and writing the words of God.  Whereas the Word of God was once read, understood, and taught only by a select group of men, now Holy Spirit has come to teach and reveal God’s Word, will, and way to all who respond to the invitation to come and dine at Christ’s banqueting table to E. A. T. Jesus, the Living Word who became flesh so that we could become the Word!
            Ezekiel, an Old Testament scribal prophet of God, is still being used by God today to serve as a model for modern-day prophets. This book is written to address the prophetic mandate and calling with some emphasis upon the role, call, and function of the scribal prophet, of which Ezekiel is a Biblical model.  That which applies to the prophetic call applies also to the scribe, because as discussed in this book, the prophetic call is for all, some of whom have been called to the unique offices and callings of the prophetic scribe and scribal prophet.
         Prophets are called to assist God’s generals or apostles in leading His army into strategic intercession and warfare.  They are called to E. A. T. so that they can incarnate God’s Word, will, and way.  As a result, they will receive, carry, and publish fresh and hidden revelation of the written and Living Word, specific to their mantle, anointing, function, and Kingdom assignment that will unlock the mysteries of God’s Kingdom and release the divine presence, nature, and glory of God on Earth.
Scribal prophets are servants, intercessors, ambassadors of Christ and Kingdom culture change agents, who God has called, anointed, and sent to see (perceive and understand) as God sees (perceives and understands) by consistently hearing the voice of God, discerning, and publishing His heart, Word, will, and way through the spoken, written, and Living Word. But the roles of the modern-day prophet and scribe go far beyond the call to write the words of God in liquid ink. The Spirit of the living God, who resides within us, empowers us to write His words with the ink of His imprint in and through our lives.  This can be manifested through words spoken, words written, and movement inspired and directed by the Spirit of God, who is continually revealing the heart of Abba, the mind of Christ, and the Spirit of God through us on Earth!  Thus, through the Apostle Paul, God reveals,Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart” (2 Corinthians 3:3, KJV).
            The fruit or function of the prophetic calling, mantle, and office is also evident in the sound and voice of God that rings forth from the prophetic assignments He is birthing and breathing through His prophetic remnant.  God speaks through His prophets to reveal His Word, will, and way.  This book is a prophetic message of God to His prophets and prophetic types.  I am just the vessel through which God is speaking and writing.
            God’s prophetic remnant must, therefore, continue to pursue the presence of God, inquire of the Lord, fix their eyes on Christ, and tune their ears to God’s mouth until they get the fullness of the answer He desires to impart to and through them.  They must cry aloud and spare not, “Thus saith the Lord!”  The fruit of the prophetic message and ministry of reconciliation must spring forth and remain through manifested change and the abundance of consistent spoken, written, and living epistles (disciples) or words. 
            The alignment of souls present in the voice of God within His prophets is calling forth one’s complete reconciliation or alignment with the Word, will, and way of God through the process of repentance, true salvation, healing and deliverance. Holy Spirit is crafting His intercessors, prophets, and worship artists, according to Heaven’s design for their being and lives. Holy Spirit will continually remind His prophets to keep the main thing (reconciliation and sanctification) the main thing.  All the visions and dreams God has placed within His prophets will be manifested as they surrender to His prophetic art of becoming and apostolic process in their lives, which will bring forth the fullness of the ministry of reconciliation in His prophets first, and then through them. 
            Just as Jesus stated that He came into the world not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it, Abba Father has sent His prophetic remnant into the world to fulfill their spiritual DNA (Dynamic Divine Nature of Abba that He breathed into them) and the Word of the Lord He has imparted into them. The fulfillment of our spiritual DNA and prophetic mandate is accomplished to the measure that we become who we already are as it is established, designed, and written in Heaven. Just as Jesus came in the name of the Book that was written of Him, we must also come in the volume of the book that was written of us in Heaven. Holy Spirit’s ministry is to bring us to this place and position of maturity and fulfillment through the prophetic art of our becoming and the apostolic process of reconciliation. But first we must eat that He gives us!

Education in the Eyes of God

            In many ways, the U.S. education system is misaligned with the Word, will, and way of God.  This is why God has led me to pursue a Bible-based education. Holy Spirit has ministered to me extensively concerning the importance of seeing (perceiving and understanding) all things natural and spiritual the way God sees (perceives and understands).  He sent every soul into this world with unique spiritual DNA (Dynamic Divine Nature of Abba that He breathed into us). Consequently, there is a “becoming” process Holy Spirit is ministering to me in a two-fold message: 1) the prophetic art of becoming and 2) the apostolic process of reconciliation.  
            God's Biblically based apostolic and prophetic education philosophy has a three-fold purpose: 1) that we intimately know God; 2) that we intimately know who we are in Christ; and 3) that we intimately know our God-given assignments here on Earth.  We can know everything by the educational book, but in the eyes of God, if we do not know these three things, we know nothing!
E. A. T. and Live: The Prophetic Art of Becoming examines the life of scribal prophet Ezekiel as the model for God’s apostolic education and discipleship for His prophetic remnant.  Through Ezekiel, Holy Spirit reveals the two-fold prophetic mandate of receiving and releasing the Word, will, and way of the Lord on Earth as it is in Heaven.  God revealed the first prophetic mandate when He told Ezekiel to eat the scroll before he ministered the Word of the Lord to His people. Through these Scriptures, Holy Spirit revealed to me on a forty-day fast, that we must not only speak and proclaim His Word, but also E. A. T. and become His Word.  The second prophetic mandate is revealed through the God’s revelation of publishing to me, as written in the second section of this book. 
            E. A. T. and Live: The Prophetic Art of Becoming will give readers a deep understanding of how to fulfill their two-fold prophetic calling and assignment, provided they do not doubt their apostolic and prophetic calling. Instead, readers need to wholeheartedly lift their hands and lives up to Abba Father and acknowledge that He has sent them into the Earth for such a time as this as a prophetic demonstration and incarnation of His Word, will, and way. They need to know that nothing--absolutely nothing--is too great a cost to lay down, even their very lives, for the sake of fulfilling God’s calling, message, and assignment, because Holy Spirit has revealed that we are the body and bride of Christ being prepared for the last battle.
            Shortly before God began to minister to me the message of Ezekiel revealed in this book, titled “Eat That I Give Thee,” He gave me another prophetic message, titled, “Dig Deep into Your Storehouses.”  Although this message applies to the entire body of Christ, it applies particularly to those God has given a prophetic assignment, calling, or mantle.  For the treasure of the prophetic calling is the specific and unique voice or message of the Lord that He has imparted as a seed into each of His ministers.  Just as every individual is marked with unique fingerprints, every prophetic voice is marked with a unique message.  The purpose of God’s instruction, “Eat that I Give Thee”, is to get the prophetic ministers of the Lord to listen for the unique voice and message He gives to each of them.  By comparing the messages they receive, they can see how they fit together to form an overall message God wants them to digest and release to others.
            I encourage each and every one assigned such a message to dig deep into your storehouses and allow the Lord of your gift and calling to use you to the fullest to build God’s Kingdom here on Earth in this critical hour.  God is saying that if we become complacent and satisfied with what we glean from shallow waters, we will fail to press into the deep waters where true treasures are waiting to be found. Now is the time to hold our peace and wait for the fullness of Holy Spirit to continually lead us into increasingly deeper waters, asking, “How far are you willing to go with me?” with each step we take. “Come, deeper still…. You want to go further? You have no idea what I have in store for you. OK. Deeper still….” He’ll keep taking us deeper as long as we want to go with Him, because we cannot exhaust the depths of the Lord’s heart, will, and message.

 © 2013 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission


  1. Wow Christine! Love it....I really can't wait for the book to be published! Recently the Lord revealed to me about the Apostolic and Prophetic and has lead me to seek other Apostolic women. I don't know exactly the why's but I am looking forward to knowing them as HE gives them in parts...Really looking forward to reading your book...God bless...

  2. Thank you Minister Maggie for your interest and comments. I just completed the final edits of the book today, and will be moving forward step by step through the publishing process. I pray for the fulness and completion of Holy Spirit's prophetic art of becoming and apostolic process of reconciliation in your own life that you may walk out the steps that God ordained for you before the foundation of the world in Jesus' name. Amen
