Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Color of Courage

If courage were a masterpiece
Painted for all to see
What color would courage be?
Would courage be a he or a she?
Would courage look like you or me?
What color is courage?

Courage is as red
As a warrior’s blood shed,
Who with bravery and might
Stands and falls in the freedom fight.

Courage is as yellow
As the noonday sun,
Who burns with passion,
Stirring soldiers into action.

Courage is as black
As the darkest night,
When others run in flight
Courage never gives up the fight.

Courage is as white
As the brightest light,
Who shines through the eyes
Of the brave and wise.

Courage is as green
As the breath of Spring,
Who causes the birds to sing,
“Let freedom ring!”

Courage is as orange
As the setting sun
Whose day is never done,
Until the victory’s won.

Courage is as brown
As the wood that burns
In the blazing fire
Of hope’s restless desire.

Courage is as blue
As the ocean’s hue
Whose depth is vaster
Than man could ever master.

If courage were a master piece
Painted for all to see
What color would courage be?
Would courage be a he or a she?
Would courage look like you or me?
What color is courage?

Courage is red, yellow, black, white
And every color in between
That can and can not be seen.
Courage is found in those who dare to dream,
And those who are wise enough to know
Things aren’t always as they seem.
Courage is found in those who never quit
No matter how deep the pit,
And those whose legacies last
As future generations learn from their past.

What color is courage?
Even the color blind can see
When courage is a reality.
The real question is…
Can courage be found in you and me?

© 2010 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

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