Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Living on the Other Side of the Cross - Spoken Word

Dear Religion,
I’ve made my decision
I am living on the other side of the cross
I’m not lost
I’m just living on the other side of the cross

I’m living in my finished place
Where for you, there is no space
I’m no longer standing where we first met
But I won’t forget
The journey thus far
Of discovering who we are
We are not the same at all
That’s why I no longer hear your call
I’m no longer weeping at the foot of the cross
Where I first tossed
All my cares
And became aware
Of my position there
I’m no longer traveling through the cross
Where I became no longer lost
On my journey
Because Christ’s fire kept burning
On the inside
And I realized I had already died
With Him before my entrance into Earth space
And I wasn’t even a special case
It may sound strange, but I remember
And I’ve become Truth’s defender
He became humanity
Erasing all vanity
From our hearts
So, we’d never be apart
From Him
Love sure did win
A tremendous victory
The rest is history
So, I moved on in my journey
All the while discerning
That the space between my now and then
My present and has been
Is what distanced me
From our previously
Shared perception
And caused painful rejection
Even from those I purposed to love and treasure
Without measure
For the rest of my days
Because Religion, you hate the blaze
Of unquenchable fire
That opposes your desire
To tame it
So, you blame it
On everything but the truth of the matter
We either gather or scatter
Jesus said it
And then He bled it
As He gathered all humanity into His bosom
And became the womb
Of Eternal Life
Making us His wife
So, I had no choice but to move forward
Closer and closer toward
The other side of the cross
And here I am, not lost
But actually found
And unbound
No longer tied to a religious token
Cause I’ve awoken
To the resurrection of my inner man
Something Religion, you’ll never understand
Having died and risen with Christ
I’ve headed His advice
To be continually born again
And to go wherever He sends
Cause I’m never alone
I’ve found my home
And it’s on the other side of the cross
Christ as me, and I as Him
Love always wins

So, Religion,
I’ve made my decision
 I am living on the other side of the cross
I’m not lost
I’m just living on the other side of the cross.

© 2019 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission