Dig Deep into Your Storehouses
December 2010
God is saying, “Dig deep into your storehouses, where there is more than you bargained for. Dig into every word, song, and poem that I have given you, because every word contains a prophetic interpretation, yet to be revealed by my Spirit. There lies hidden manna waiting to be sought after and prayed over, until revelation outpours to the seeker. There lies the secret things of the Lord that will carry My remnant through the terrible times that will surely come, at there appointed time.”
“A famine is coming,” saith God, “and only those who have prepared by storing up treasure in the storehouses that I have given them will prosper. At this time the poor will say, ‘I am rich,’ and the wealthy will declare, ‘I have become nothing.’ Men will come from far and near, just as in the days of Joseph, when even His father, Israel depended on His wisdom and the provision of his storehouses. Who is willing to hear and take heed to the Spirit’s wooing? Who will dig deep into the storehouses that God has given them to uncover the wealth of wisdom hidden there? For, they will be the ones to whom the least to the greatest will come in the days of famine. Many, who are now considered high and mighty, will come to ruin. While, many who now lie in sackcloth and ashes, will be exalted by my Spirit, says the Lord.”
Those who have an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. “If you are the Body of Christ, the sacrificial Lamb, then follow in the footsteps of your Savior. Seek Him early while He may be found. Lay your all on the altar, and seek Him with all of your heart. Do not minimize the gifts that I have given you,” saith God. “For hidden within lie storehouses of treasure yet to be found. There will come a time when your very existence will depend on your level of investment in the storehouses of the Kingdom. Therefore, dig deep, yea, dig very deep into your storehouses, where there is more than you bargained for.”
© 2010 Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission