Saturday, July 28, 2018

Prophetic Word: Accelerated Grace for an Accelerated Pace

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I awoke with an image in my mind’s eye followed by an application of the image and a message for a designated people.  I saw a moving walkway like those inside of airports that provide a means for people to accelerate their pace to their destination if they choose to walk rather than stand idly on the walkway.  Otherwise, moving walkways provide an opportunity for people to relax and be carried along to their destination, but not necessarily at an accelerated pace.
Then the Lord began to minister to me about a people whom He has given an accelerated grace for an accelerated pace in this season of their journey.  Yet, with that accelerated grace He is requiring that you keep walking forward.  Do not relax by standing idle expecting for the accelerated grace to carry you like the moving walkway in the airport.  It is time to move forward with the accelerated grace in order to accelerate your pace.  This is imperative so that you do not miss your flight that will take off at a set time in order to carry you to your ultimate destination and the possession of your inheritance as sons and heirs of God. 
For this is the appointed time for acceleration, because of the NEED for the internal luggage that you are carrying to His designated destination for the fulfillment of the very assignment for which He sent you into the Earth.  This internal luggage is what the Lord imparted into you before He sealed you and sent you into the Earth.  It is your invisible and internal inheritance.  I know it sounds strange to talk about an INTERNAL inheritance, because we are so accustomed to searching for an EXTERNAL inheritance.  After all, didn’t the Lord tell Israel to possess a land flowing with milk and honey?  This was not a figurative or invisible land.  It was a very real, visible and tangible land that they had to go to WAR to possess and inhabit as their God GIVEN inheritance.  Yet, in the New Covenant we are told that “the Kingdom of God is within” us.  It is “Christ IN US, the hope of glory” (Luke 17:21; I Colossians 1:27).  But let us go back to the very beginning to understand the relationship between our God given internal and external inheritance.
Genesis 1:27-28 – “So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.  28 God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.”
In the beginning, we were CREATED to reflect and manifest the IMAGE of God.  He instructed us to "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion" as co-stewards and partners with Him.  Our POSSESSION of the land and exercising of DOMINION over the EARTH causes the EARTH to reflect and manifest our IMAGE (the IMAGE of its possessor), which is equivalent to the IMAGE of the One (the Lord) who possesses us.  In other words, just as we are the Lord’s inheritance and reflect Him as IMAGE, so is the Earth our inheritance and reflects us as IMAGE.  Likewise, the internal Garden of Eden (Delight) is reflected by the external Garden of Eden (Delight), both of which are our inheritance as sons and heirs of God.   
So, fast forward to the time of Moses when the Lord sent the congregation of Israel to POSSESS the land that was flowing with milk and honey.  It was a land that was ALREADY PREPARED for them.  Thus, the Lord's INTENT was that our LAND or INHERITANCE would bear our IMAGE, the IMAGE of fruitfulness, multiplication, fullness, wholeness as a result of our possession of it and dominion over it.
Now fast forward to the book of Revelation, when Christ declared, “BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW.”  Also, the apostle John testified, “BEHOLD the kingdoms of the Earth have BECOME the Kingdom of our Lord and His Messiah.”  In other words, “BEHOLD My original INTENTION has come to pass.  A family of SONS who bear my image and a KINGDOM in the Earth that bears My IMAGE revealed and manifested through My SONS on Earth as it is in Heaven."
So, now the Lord is saying that He has given a remnant an accelerated grace for an accelerated pace.  For what purpose?  It is because this remnant has spent much time in the “wilderness terrain”, where Holy Spirit has been maturing the carriers of Kingdom inheritance and the internal fruit of that inheritance.  The Lord is saying that NOW IS THE TIME that the internal fruit and inheritance is RIPE and ready for harvest.  Now is the time that the internal inheritance is READY to be reflected and manifested externally through the IMAGE of an external inheritance.  For it is THIS PROCESS that the Lord was working out within the nation of Israel in the wilderness.  He was preparing them to be carriers of an internal inheritance that would be REFLECTED AS IMAGE in the land that He has already prepared in advance… an inheritance flowing with milk and honey.  But when the Lord inspected Israel’s INTERNAL FRUIT that was to be reflected as IMAGE in the land, their fruit (character) was not ready! 
Yet, the Lord says… "there is a remnant NOW in THIS GENERATION that are ready!  They have been faithful throughout the apostolic process of their lives and the internal fruit and inheritance is EVIDENT and VISIBLE.  Truly, Christ is REVEALED within them and the hope of glory is clearly seen by His ever present and all seeing eye.  Truly, Christ is MANIFEST through the character of their lives and an external inheritance has been prepared for them to possess and over which they have been given dominion in this appointed time.  It is for THIS REASON that He has given an accelerated grace for an accelerated pace."
“So, do not stop!” says the Lord.  “Rather, walk forward on the moving walkway that I have set before you.  Truly, now is YOUR TIME to possess the land that I have prepared for you… a land flowing with milk and honey (fruitfulness).”

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Monday, July 23, 2018

A Different Kind of Yes: A Letter from Christ to His Bride

I AM looking for a different kind of yes from you, a kind of yes that you have not yet given Me.  It is not that you have NOT responded “Yes” to me, but it’s that there is a GREATER “Yes” of which you are not yet aware. 
Here is the “Yes” you have already given…

Y earning and
E nduring in your
S trive to please Me

Please, understand that it is not that I am displeased with your “Yes”.  In fact, I am quite pleased with your “Yes”.  Your YEARNING is like that of the deer panting for water.  Your YEARNING is a desperation for My manifest presence.  It motivates your pursuit of Me.  Through this YEARNING you have come to know Me, and it has brought you to your current place of intimacy with Me.  Your YEARNING, hunger and thirst for Me has been your response to your reognition of who I AM as your Source and All Sufficient King.  It has been the passion in your praise and worship that has been a sweet fragrance to Me.  Know that your YEARNING for Me has brought Me tremendous joy as I have responded by revealing Myself to the depths of your heart and filling you with the Living Water of My presence for which you YEARN so greatly.  Truly, your YEARNING for Me has caused you to grow and BECOME the fullness of who you are in Me even now.  For the more that you have YEARNED for Me is the more that you have pursued Me, causing your YEARNING to increase over time.  Just know that there is something even GREATER than YEARNING, and it is this that I desire even more than your yearning…

But first… Please, understand that it is not that I am displeased with your “Yes”.  In fact, I am quite pleased with your “Yes”.  For the magnitude of your yearning has caused you to ENDURE through great hardship, never quitting or giving up in your pursuit of Me.  Because your yearning for Me has overwhelmed and consumed you beyond measure, you have ENDURED in your faithfulness to walk with Me and to know Me beyond religious rituals and obligations.  Through ENDURANCE, you have fallen but gotten back up again, pressing forward with determination to do “whatever it takes” to ENDURE to the end.  Through ENDURANCE, you have BECOME an overcomer, overcoming great obstacles, which has built the likeness of My character in you.  You have trained your mind to ENDURE with great persistency and perseverance in spite of internal wars that have waged in your soul.  You have been like a wounded warrior who forges ahead in battle in spite of the pain that pierces through their entire being.  You have ENDURED, and please, KNOW THIS…  In your ENDURANCE, I AM well pleased.  Yet, there is something even GREATER beyond ENDURANCE, and it is this that I desire even more than your ENDURANCE

But just one more thing…  Please, understand that it is not that I am displeased with your “Yes”.  In fact, I am quite pleased with your “Yes”.  Like an Olympic runner, you have STRIVED in your strides towards the finish line of your race to please Me to the fullest.  In fact, you have come alive in your STRIVE as you have awakened to your purpose beyond the mundane aspects of life.  You have trained yourself to engage in meaningful spiritual exercises beyond religious rituals.  As a result, of your STRIVE to know Me and please Me, you have grown in your love for Me and for others.  You have been driven in your STRIVE to love, recognizing that without love all STRIVING is meaningless, because I AM Love and therefore, Love is the essence of life.  Please, know that in THIS STRIVING I AM most pleased of all.  Most importantly, in the midst of your “Yes”, Y earning and E nduring in your S trive to please me, I have MET YOU with My grace and mercy, waiting for the appointed time of your graduation to a different kind of “Yes”… a GREATER “Yes”.  Though I AM pleased with your “Yes”, I am looking for a different kind of “Yes” from you.

This different kind of “Yes”…  This GREATER “Yes” is a “Yes” you cannot give Me on your own.  It is a kind of “Yes” that must first be received before given.  It is a kind of “Yes” that is unknown to most and considered heretical in many religious circles.  Yet, it is a kind of “Yes” that I most clearly demonstrated as the Son of Man and Son of God on Earth.  It is the kind of “Yes” that I gave to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane before He gave Me to the world on the cross.  It is the kind of “Yes” that most pleases Me and displays My glory on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

Yet, it is a kind of “Yes” that requires you to GRADUATE from YEARNING to becoming YIELDED and still enough to receive till you yearn no more!  It is a kind of “Yes” that requires you to GRADUATE from the state of ENDURING to becoming EMPTIED and settled in My peaceful presence till there be no more need to endure, because you’ve entered true rest and shalom having been FILLED with Me alone.  Finally, it is the kind of “Yes” that requires you to GRADUATE from the STRIVE to please Me to becoming fully SURRENDERED to the Liberating Truth that I AM already fully pleased with you.  So, are you fully ready to GRADUATE to this different kind of “Yes”… to this GREATER “Yes”?  Are you ready to RECEIVE this “Yes”, so that you may BECOME this “Yes”?  Are you ready to be enabled to fully give this “Yes” back to Me with a GREATER demonstration of LOVE and WORSHIP for Me?  Are you ready to perceive Me, not only as your Source and All Sufficient King, but also as Your Bridegroom, ready to receive you as His Bride!  For THIS is the “Yes” and “I do” or “I am” that I truly desire and require from you…
Y eilded
E mptied and
S urrendered ….

In Ahavah,
Christ Your Bridegroom

Monday, July 9, 2018

Awesome God

Our God is an awesome God!
He spoke the worlds into existence
There’s no resistance
That can stand against His authority
He doesn’t need agreement from the majority
He demonstrated the power of ONE
When He sent His Son
Into the Earth
Through a miraculous birth
And demonstrated His Love
When He watched from above
His only Son being crucified
His only Son who died
Just so that you and I could abide
In Him
Cause Love wins
Every time
And our every breath is a sign
Of His awesomeness displayed
When He made ‘da grave
His bed
And was raised from ‘da dead
His agony for our bliss
He’s ‘da Boss in this
And every other place
Dat’s why I’m so amazed
As I gaze into His face
And declare
Join me if you dare!
Our God is an awesome God!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Apostolic Process

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We’ve gotta learn before we TEACH.

We’ve gotta come before we go.

We’ve gotta receive before we give.

We’ve gotta eat before we digest.

We’ve gotta digest before we become what we eat.

We’ve gotta listen before we really hear.

We’ve gotta really hear before we speak.

We’ve gotta understand before we explain.

We’ve gotta become before we really represent.

We’ve gotta follow before we lead.

We’ve gotta empty ourselves before we be filled.

We’ve gotta SEE before we guide.

We’ve gotta be before we do.

We’ve gotta do before we be.

We’ve gotta stretch to overcome before we run.

We’ve gotta bend before we lift.

We’ve gotta connect before we correct.

We’ve gotta SEE Love before we become Love.

We’ve gotta become Love before we be Love.

We’ve gotta love before we parent (truly educate).

We’ve gotta prepare before we test.

We’ve gotta test before we rest.

We’ve gotta die before we live.

We’ve gotta live before we die.

We’ve gotta reach before we TEACH.

Cause THAT’S the Apostolic Process by which we fulfill
The Apostolic and Prophetic Educational Mandate!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Apostolic Educational Mandate: Establishing Heaven's VISION in the Earth

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Apostolic and Prophetic Educators are CALLED by God to establish the VISION of Heaven in the Earth!

But HOW is this PRACTICALLY possible?

Habakkuk 2:2 - "... Write the vision and make it plain on tablets..."


Yet, within the BOOK of Habakkuk (not just these 9 words!) lies the SECRET to fulfilling the Apostolic Educational Mandate to COME and learn of Christ and to GO only as Christ SENDS you to establish the VISION of Heaven in the Earth.

We CANNOT establish a vision that we DO NOT SEE! And this is NOT talking about your multi billion dollar business plan. Come on somebody!

V isionary (Heavenly and Earthly)
I ntercedes,
S ees and sanctifies the temple from the
I nside -
O ut
N ever ceasing until completion

Christ our King is the Heavenly Visionary. He sees and He has already established His vision in Heaven. Apostolic and Prophetic Educators are CALLED to serve as His ambassadors and representatives in the Earth.

Therefore, they are the Earthly visionaries that God uses to establish Heaven’s vision in the Earth. We are the conduits that Holy Spirit uses to VISIBLY reveal Heaven in the Earth by establishing Heaven’s vision in the Earth.

The time is NOW to answer the CALL to BE REformed in order to BECOME a REformer... and to BE REvolutonized in order to BECOME a REvolutioner!

The KEY to the fulfillment of the Apostolic Educational Mandate is found in the APOSTOLIC PROCESS!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Thursday, July 5, 2018

America! The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!

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Jesus fled to Egypt as an immigrant retracing the steps of the nation of Israel in the days of Joseph. He is the True Vine into which we are “grafted in” and receive Life. We ABIDE in Him and He ABIDES in us. We are Immigrants No More! We are Orphans No More!

This is an essential part of the Gospel of the Kingdom. For in Christ, we are ONE new man! We are ONE Son dearly beloved in whom the Father is well pleased. Our desire ought to be that EVERY soul awaken to this Truth and reality. The events in the world and our response to them expose our hearts and the measure to which Christ’s heart beats in us. After all, when they bid Him to send the children away, He replied, “LET THE CHILDREN COME! FOR OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!”

Do we understand that this was a prophetic picture of US? How then should we respond to nations who still must awaken to Christ’s call to COME?  When Christ came to Earth, He announced, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”

The zealots sought to “make Israel great again” through their nationalism. Yet, the Lord told Peter to put away his sword.

Others sought to “make Israel great again” through their religious ideologies. Yet, when Christ, Israel’s Liberating King stood trial, they exclaimed, “We have no king but Caesar!” And Christ replied, “My Kingdom is not of this world.”

Both groups missed the coming of the Kingdom, because they failed to “be born again” in order to SEE and ENTER the Kingdom that was AT HAND... not far away in distance OR time.

Behold, again the Kingdom is at hand! We MUST “be born again”. Will we cling to the hopes of yesterday that some perceive to have been so great or will we “be born again” NOW in order to SEE and ENTER the Kingdom that is at hand?

For truly, the Kingdom is within... Christ in us the hope of glory... Christ through us manifested glory!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

I Will Not Bow

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You don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. 
I’m not about to waste a single drop.
I will not bow to your expectations.
I will not bow to your manipulations.
I will not bow to the idol that you tried to make me.
I will no longer “fake me”
Cause it’s taken a lifetime to awake me.
And I’m not about to forsake me.

The me that I have just begun to find
The me that is wholly mine
To give away as a LIVING sacrifice
Only I know the true price
I’ve had to pay
Along the way
So, come what may
I will not bow to another
Not one single “other”
Cause all else are just idols
And I’m done with performance recitals
Though life is a stage
There’s another war to wage
Behind the scenes
One for which I give my entire being
Just to live fully aware of my oneness
And the doneness
Of my intimacy with my Lord
So, I throw all else but Him overboard
And I draw my Sword,
The Apple of My Eye
For which I don’t even have to try
To engage with by struggle
I can’t even be subtle
Cause I’m so in love with Him
I can’t even begin
To describe
I just continue to abide
And release all the lies
As I cling to my Liberating Truth
Bearing the fruit
Of intimacy
To the measure of infinity.

You don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. 
I’m not about to waste a single drop.
I will not bow to your expectations.
I will not bow to your manipulations.
I will not bow to the idol that you tried to make me.
I will no longer “fake me”.
Cause it’s taken a lifetime to awake me.
And I’m not about to forsake me.

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

God's Original Intention for Education

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It is time for a 21st century educational revolution!  During a recent graduate course at Liberty University, we thoroughly examined how the current educational system and structure has remained fundamentally the same in spite of the enormous changes that have occurred within culture and our world.  Just to name a few, think of the advances we’ve made in the areas of technology, transportation and medicine.  The changes in education are minimal in comparison!  Educational reform is a great buzz word, but very little reform has really taken place in education. 
From a Kingdom perspective, what really needs to change in education?  As in all areas of society and life, the greatest change that needs to be made in education is our perspective of it.  True spiritual reformation will only take place to the measure that our VISION is aligned with God’s VISION.  Therefore, the primary question that we need to ask and answer is this: What is God’s VISION for education?  In other words, what was God’s ORIGINAL INTENTION for education?
As I was seeking the Lord concerning these very questions, He answered me in a very peculiar way.  I began by searching the Scriptures to find the “first mention” of the concept (words related to) education.  I began to question, when was the first-time instruction and learning took place in the Scripture?  In the midst of my search, the Lord took me to the seemingly most irrelevant verses to education and BLEW ME AWAY with what He revealed concerning His ORIGINAL INTENTION for education.     

One day as I was seeking to Lord , He clearly spoke, “Isaiah 48:7” to me and led me to this Scripture.  Isaiah 48:7 (NKJV) states, “They are CREATED NOW and not from the beginning;  And before this day you have not heard them, Lest you should say, ‘Of course I knew them.’ 

Suddenly, the words, “CREATED NOW” jumped out at me, and the Lord began to minister to me concerning His NOW creative work in our lives.  Apostle Paul taught that in Christ we are “NEW creatures”, which means that the message of the Gospel is one of God’s miraculous work of REcreating us according to His original intention and purpose for our existence in the Earth.  Through this the Lord began to AWAKEN me to a fresh perspective of His VISION for education, which in ESSENCE is His REcreative work in our lives. 
The Hebrew word for create in this Scripture is bara’, and it is the same word used in Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God CREATED…”  So, the revelation of Isaiah 48:7 led me back to the first three verses of the Bible to reveal God’s VISION for education.  Within this passage, there are five components of God’s original intention for humanity and for education.  In fact, the remainder of the contents of the Bible are PROPHETICALLY REVEALED in Genesis 1:1-3.  Let’s take a look!
   1.     “In the beginning” – These words prophetically reveal God’s intention to establish “Divine Appointment” in our lives.  Though God is ETERNAL, and exists OUTSIDE OF TIME, He INTENTIONALLY created TIME in order to establish His APPOINTMENT of and with humanity.  In fact, God’s CREATION of TIME preceded all other aspects of His creation, INCLUDING His creation of US!  In fact, the ESSENCE of God’s VISION for EDUCATION is wrapped up in the only time that exists, which is NOW!  Right NOW is a Divine Appointment through which God is fulfilling His original intention for the nations (humanity) and for and through education.       

   2.     “God created” – These words prophetically reveal God’s intention to establish “Divine Creation” in the Earth and in our lives.  According to the Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, the Hebrew word bara’ has the following multiple meanings:  
    1. "To cut, to carve out, to form by cutting" = Related to the WORD covenant, which we will examine later... AND reFORMation, which is the REcreative work of the Lord in our lives!
    2. "To create, to produce" = Related to the Lord's command to be FRUITful and multiply; and Christ's John 15 discourse with His disciples regarding bearing MUCH FRUIT
    3. "To beget" - Related to the ultimate purpose of God, which is SONSHIP in the Earth... such as Christ who was the only BEGOTTEN son of God and US, who have been given the right to be children of God and to BECOME SONS (Spiritual Maturity)
    4. "To eat, to feed, to grow fat.” - Related to the Lord's command to Ezekiel to EAT (the scroll) that He gave him; AND Jesus' command to His disciples that they must EAT His body and DRINK His blood. 

     Ultimately, our REbirth and process of BECOMING a NEW CREATION in Christ is the essence and meaning of education according to the Lord’s VISION, perspective and original intention. 

   3.     “The heaven and the earth” These words prophetically reveal God’s intention to establish “Divine Connection” in our lives.  By matter of fact that the  conjunction AND (Hebrew word ‘eth) is present reveals that God’s original intention was for Heaven and Earth to be CONNECTED and never separated or disconnected from one another.  Therefore, education is the process of RESTORING the connection between Heaven and Earth in and through our lives.  As a result of Christ’s REcreative work in our lives, we are empowered to coexist in Heaven and Earth as a means of establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth.  Thus, the Lord’s prayer that says, “… on Earth as it is in Heaven…”

CONTEXTUAL SETTING OF EDUCATION:  “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.”  These words prophetically reveal that the context of Christ’s REcreative work in the Earth is one of apparent chaos and confusion.  This explains how so many aspects of our lives APPEAR to contradict the very GOODNESS of God and His SOVEREIGNTY to accomplish His original intention concerning us.  Yet, this should not be a surprise, because this seeming contradiction was PROPHESIED way back when the Torah was first spoken (God breathed) and first written.  Through the revelation of Jesus Christ, we now know that in reality this apparent confusion is nothing more than a “Divine Setup” for the manifest glory of God!

   4.     “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”  These words prophetically reveal God’s intention to establish “Divine Covenant” in our lives.  The Biblical understanding of covenant (Hebrew word beriyth) signifies an alliance or pledge that is related to the concept of cutting demonstrated by the compact made between two parties by passing between pieces of flesh.  Yet, in this instance the Spirit of God is the one making a COVENANT, ALLIANCE or PLEDGE of His own volition by hovering over the waters, which represent the future nations (humanity and inhabitants) of the Earth.  Interestingly, He made this COVENANT even before the creation of Adam, just as while we were YET SINNERS Christ died for us!  BEFORE we could ever agree to our union with Christ, He INITIATED His COVENANT with us.  This is PROPHETICALLY demonstrated through the Spirit’s act of hovering over the waters in the very beginning.  Therefore, just as apparent confusion (Divine Setup) is the natural context of education, the spiritual context of education is COVENANT, both with God and one another.  We are SURROUNDED and HOVERED over by the Spirit of Christ, who has COVENANTED with us that we may BECOME the fullness of who He created, called and ordained us to be in Him through His VISION of EDUCATION (the very process by which this REcreation and REformation occurs in our lives.      

   5.     “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.”  These words prophetically reveal God’s intention to establish “Divine Community” in our lives.  What LIGHT shined in the Earth BEFORE the creation of the sun, moon and stars?!!!  It was the LIGHT of Christ, the SON of the Living God!!!  This demonstrates God’s original intention for COMMUNITY with the nations (humanity), which is Christ’s ultimate GOAL and PURPOSE for EDUCATION (His REcreation of us).    

Therefore, it is clearly evident that the Lord’s original intention for humanity and education is the Manifestation of 1. Divine Appointment; 2. Divine Creation; 3. Divine Connection; 4. Divine Covenant; and 5. Divine Community on Earth as it is in Heaven!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Apostolic Process of Education

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Through the Apostolic Process,

First, the Lord will REcreate you with precision and accuracy according to Heaven’s blueprint.

Then He will AUTHENTICATE you in Heaven and Earth.

Then He will AUTHORIZE you to carry His Kingdom message through the ACTivation of your faith... His faith moving through you.

What are you carrying?

It will grow from SEED to SPROUT to full MATURITY.

For your ministry is more about what you’re carrying than the works that you do. Yet, what you carry will lead to ACTION and PRODUCTIVITY.

Do not be discouraged in this PROCESS. For when the fullness of time has come, you will REST and not strive. You will be fully alive knowing that surely the fullness of time has come... And you have been AUTHORIZED by Heaven to display CHRIST in the Earth!

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission

Double Bridges of Education

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The Lord is calling some educators to be DOUBLE BRIDGES across generations by reaching, teaching and raising up the NEXT... NEXT generation while recruiting the NEXT generation to help you do it.

By so doing, you are leaving a legacy for multiple generations that will be expanded throughout the nations. So, never underestimate the possible level of Apostolic IMPACT through your Kingdom Education assignment.

I hear the Lord saying to those whom He has called to be a DOUBLE BRIDGE,
“This is My marketing plan:
•. Write it and they will read it.
•. Speak it, and they will hear it.
•. Build it, and they will come!”

“Build what?”, you may ask...
The Lord replies, “I have fully equipped you for what you really want to do. You just have to discover what it is that you really want to do. You are torn between the beginning and the end of your journey with a seemingly HUGE span of distance and time in between them. The passion and joy of your beginning was the first seed and fruit (sprout), but it is not a clear and accurate picture of the magnitude of the end result. Yet, just as the essence of the mature plant is in the seed, and the image of the mature plant is in its first sprout, so it is with the beginning of your journey and My original intention for the end or final destination of it.”

© 2018 Christine Lombard; All rights reserved; Use only with permission