Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gotti - Spoken Word

I serve notice
Every opposition is bogus
You can’t stress me
You can’t possess me
Like Balaam, you can’t help but bless me
In Yah I live, I move, I breathe and have my being
I’m a spiritual eye, so I can’t help but seein’
Let me say
Like Dr. K
It’s so freein’
Knowin’ ‘dat I’m whole in all my bein’
Spirit, soul and body
I’m ‘da most alive
Amidst my scribal nation and tribe
I came forth from Jesus’ side
So, I can’t help but abide
When they stretched His arms out wide
Hopelessness died
And a way was made for the whole - world wide
To come forth from His bleeding side
And become His bride
With the resurrection of the new Adam
The sting of death was gone
Along with everything else ‘dat was wrong
So, go ‘way with your sympathy song
Fact, I think I hear a bong
And a mic drop
Ya, dat’s what’s up!
I’m ‘da most alive
Amidst my scribal nation and tribe
I honor His Master Scribe
Of which none can deny
Yah’s appointing
And her incarnation of the Scribal Anointing
We’re scribal advancin’
Our pens are dancin’
Shiftin’ the atmosphere
The Kingdom of Heaven ain’t just near
He’s within and everywhere
We are da keys
And our Abba is pleased
Cause we’ve been released
Into the nations
Across ‘da generations
Into every sphere
Behold Heaven’s atmosphere
Time is tickin’
But I hear another clickin’
The opening of locked assignments
Cause we’ve surrendered to Yah’s refinements
Welcome to an apostolic revolution
Where you and I have become the solution
Abba’s heartbeat in the Earth
Treasures with incomprehensible worth
We serve notice
Every opposition is bogus
You can’t stress us
You can’t possess us
Like Balaam, you can’t help but bless us
In Yah we live, we move, we breathe and have our being
We’re one spiritual eye, so we can’t help but seein’
Let us say
Like Dr. K
It’s so freein’
Knowin’ ‘dat we’re whole in all our bein’
Spirit, soul and body
We’re ‘da most alive
Amidst our scribal nation and tribe.

© 2017, Christine Lombard, All rights reserved, Use only with permission