to 'da mic
Show 'em
what cha got
Let Yah's
through your wind pipe
Ready or
Let's go!
It's not even what
But WHO ya' know
So, let it FLOW!
Some folk don’t know how to pray
Cause they’re thinkin’ what to say
Just open your mouth
And thank Yah for another day
Thank Him for showin’ you a better Way
Think back to da’ day
When you were dead in your sin
And you thought your cover up was a win
Thank Yah dat’ now you know HIM
Open your mouth and begin
To praise HIM
Yeshua taught us to pray
He told us exactly what to say
“Abba in Heaven
Deliver me from ‘da leaven
Of ‘da Pharisee
Deliver me from the worst kind of heresy
Believin’ ‘dat my religious works
Will quench my spiritual thirst
‘Dat feels like it’s ‘bout to burst!
Believin’ I’m ‘da best, and others are ‘da
Abba in Heaven
Deliver me from ‘dis leaven
Of the Pharisee
Deliver me from ‘dis worst kind of heresy
Spiritual PRIDE
When I’m ‘da reason ‘dat Yeshua died!
I’m ‘da reason for His nail scared hands
I’m ‘da reason ‘dat He was treated like less than
a man!
I’m ‘da reason for ‘da scars in His feet
I’m ‘da reason ‘dat He got BEAT!
I’m ‘da reason ‘dat His blood shed
And ‘dat ‘da grave became His bed
And ‘dat’s not all
I’m not ONLY ‘da reason for His fall
I’m ‘da reason ‘dat Yah raised Him from ‘da dead!
‘Dat’s right!
I’m a partaker of the Livin’ BREAD!
Yet, I use His gifts to draw fans
And boldly declare ‘dat I’m more than a mortal
In fact, I’m blessed and highly favored
Yet, I don’t even know how to love my neighbor
Abba in Heaven
Deliver me from ‘dis leaven
And teach me how to seek first
‘Da Kingdom of Heaven!
Deliver me from ‘da leaven of religion
Release me from ‘dis terrible prison
Help me understand ‘dat I’m not saved,
of my decision
You’re the ONLY One Who really KNOWS me
And STILL You chose me!
In spite of my hypocrisy
In spite of my demented Pharisaical philosophy
Thank you for openin’ my eyes to see my vanity
Cause Your Word says,
‘Dat you died for ALL humanity
Abba in Heaven
Thank you for deliverin’ me from ‘dis leaven
Of ‘da Pharisee
Thank you for deliverin’ me from
‘Dis worst
kind of heresy
When You opened my eyes to SEE
And opened 'da Door to set me FREE
I began to build up ‘dis knowledge
And I boasted ‘dat I didn’t learn ‘dis stuff in
But I spent years studying my Hebrew roots
And I know stuff the famous preachers
Only wish they
When I should REALLY only seek to know YOU
I like to point out every mistake
I like to demonstrate
How every other form of Biblical faith is fake
Except my own
Cause I’m full grown
I’m grafted into Israel
And partake of the water from Jacob’s well
When in truth, I’m blind without maturity
Caught up in Israel’s false sense of security
The seed of Abraham is not enough
‘Dat’s why Yeshua called ‘da Pharisees’ bluff
Yet, just like ‘da scribes of old
Who were formed in a doctrinal mold
I just regurgitate
What I heard some rabbi or preacher state
Then I wait
With the ammunition in my gun
Come to think of it,
Not one single soul has been won!
Oh Abba in Heaven
Thank you for deliverin’ me from ‘dis leaven
Of the Pharisee
Thank you for deliverin’ me
From 'dis worst
kind of heresy
Then when you opened my eyes to SEE
And you set me FREE
From denominationalism
I began to see a color prism
I learned about the apostolic and prophetic
And I took my place on the Wailing Wall
Yet, even ‘dis truth has been distorted
And so many true callings have been aborted
Forgive me for following a “movement”
Teach me how to truly REPENT
You died and rose again
So, ‘dat mere mortal men
Could begin
A true apostolic revolution
You revealed ‘da SOLUTION
To be ‘da Gospel of Your Kingdom
‘Dat every nation could become
ONE Under Yeshua
If only they knew ya!
But instead, we’ve proclaimed
Our own name
And advertised the way to riches and fame
And You keep crying out, “Apostles and
Just STOP IT!"
"I’ve called you to the Covenant of Ahava
And Yeshua taught you to just call me, 'ABBA!'”
Here I am, Abba Father
Fill me with Living Water
Make me a true disciple
Show me how to LIVE the Torah of ‘da Bible
Teach me true humility
Not to rely on any human ability
But to offer up my total availability
So, ‘dat Your LIGHT I can finally SEE
And You can shine through me
So, 'dat I can BECOME ‘da TRUE ME!
Oh Abba in Heaven
I’m DONE with all religious leaven
I only want YOU
I only want to be made brand NEW
To walk in the footsteps of Yeshua
And one day hear,
‘Come! Cause I REALLY knew ya!”
Beyond your confession of faith
You actually walked THROUGH ‘da Narrow GATE!
You walked with Me through your ups and downs
You helped OTHERS to become UNBOUND!
Truly in you, Ahava has been found!’
Oh Abba in Heaven
Forgive me for every form of leaven
Of which I’ve partaken
I’ve been SORELY mistaken!
Thank you for ‘dis moment in which I’ve AWAKENED
To ‘da TRUTH
About YOU!
To the Path of true LIFE I now hasten
Carrying my Living Water filled basin
Emptiness, oh basin of my spirit
You no longer need to fear it
Echoes of religion, may I never again draw near
For the glories of Heaven, I now hear it!
I boldly proclaim
‘Dat I’ve found NEW LIFE in Yeshua's name
Now is ‘da time
For me to end ‘dis rhyme
Now it’s YOUR turn
To spit ‘da fire ‘dat burns
In you
But remember, it must first burn YOU!
to 'da mic
Show 'em
what cha got
Let Yah's
through your wind pipe
Ready or
Let's go!
It's not even what
But WHO ya' know
So, let it FLOW!
2016 Christine Lombard; All right reserved; Use only with permission