Tongue spittin’ fire
Lust filled desire
It’s a part of your hard wire
Cause you ain’t nothin’ but a liar.
You’re the accuser
The heal bruiser
But in the end, you ain’t nothin’ but
a loser!
So, you better back up!
Cause ya’ can’t stack up
To da’ Truth.
So, take your hands off da’ youth.
Take your mirk and your mire
And your sinful desire
Cause you ‘bout to see da’ REAL Fire!
F – I – R – E
Fresh filled
Instilled with da’
Eternal Seal!
Dat’s the real deal!
This means war!
So, what you waitin’ for?
We’re waitin’ for more of da’ real FIRE
We’re waitin’ to be consumed by God’s
holy desire.
It’s time for the eagles to soar
And the lions to roar:
“No mixture!
A perfect picture
Of Heaven manifested in the Earth.
We’re waitin’ for a rebirth.
Total possession!
Without exception.
Cause we’re hard wired
With da’ Refiner’s FIRE!”
F – I – R – E
Fresh filled
Instilled with da’
Eternal Seal!
Dat’s the real deal!
We take our hook
From God’s Book
We take our rhythm and rhyme
From God’s time
We send every legion of demons into
the swine,
Cause we only desire to fine dine.
This is our battle cry!
By which we shall live and die!
“We’re a chosen generation
A holy nation
And we’re on FIRE
With God’s holy desire
Cause dat’s the way we’re hard wired
To be ONE with da’ Refiner’s FIRE!
F – I – R – E
Fresh filled
Instilled with da’
Eternal Seal!
Dat’s the real deal!
Tongue spittin’ fire
Lust filled desire
It’s a part of your hard wire
Cause you ain’t othing’ but a liar.
You’re the accuser
The heal bruiser
But in the end, you ain’t nothin’ but
a loser!
So, you better back up!
Cause ya’ can’t stack up
To da’ Truth.
So, take your hands off da’ youth.
Take your mirk and your mire
And your sinful desire
Cause you ‘bout to see da’ REAL Fire!
F – I – R – E
Fresh filled
Instilled with da’
Eternal Seal!
Dat’s the real deal!
© 2015 Christine Lombard, All rights
reserved, Use only with permission